Jardi Tancat: organising the dance: motifs and phrasing “Organising the movement” Organising the movement is focused on the development of phrases, which use the motif as their driving force. The motif is manipulated within the phrase to produce a clear statement about the intent. Phrases are distinct units of movement, which address the intent and develop the concept of the composition. SYLLABUS Go to MOTIF & PHRASING tutorial
Jardi Tancat: organising the dance: motifs and phrasing This tutorial is an investigation of how Nacho Duato uses motif and phrasing in Jardi Tancat to enhance his intent. In this tutorial you will: Identify movement motifs Discuss how these motifs are worked into phrases Explain how movement motifs express the intent of the work Return to Dance HSC ONLINE
Tutorial: “Outline the way in which Duato communicates his intent through the use of motifs and phrases in Jardi Tancat. Compare the use of motifs by individual dancers in the work.” On the following screen, there are four descriptions of (possible) motifs in the work JARDI TANCAT. View JARDI TANCAT and identify when you see these motifs occur. Describe how these motifs are worked into phrases. Describe how these motifs are performed by individual dancers, duos or groups. See if you can identify any other motifs in the work. Click here to download a worksheet for mapping motifs through the work Return to Dance HSC ONLINE
Jardi Tancat: organising the dance: motifs and phrasing Reaching up, looking up – faith, praying for a good crop/rain, despair, hope Hunched / slumped over back, pull of gravity, low to the ground, focus down, hands behind the back , physical burden on the body, crouching over others – hardship, working on the land Ploughing motif – scooping/digging. Working on the land. Circular motion – cyclical, ongoing, continuous flow of movement, never ending. Combining all body parts, working in and out, daily life. Spatial pathways, floor patterns, circular patterns. No start and end. Return to Dance HSC ONLINE
Tutorial: “Outline the way in which Duato communicates his intent through the use of motifs and phrases in Jardi Tancat. Compare the use of motifs by individual dancers in the work.” Answer the tutorial question above in an extended response (essay). In your answer make sure you: Identify and describe motifs in the work Describe meaning of motifs in relation to intent Describe individual dancer’s performance of motifs, including manipulations Return to Dance HSC ONLINE
HSC areas of study components movement spatial elements dynamic elements aural elements dancers setting and environment interpretation of the work context genre subject matter meaning significance writing and criticism reading and writing reviews – newspapers, magazines, journals the role of the critic in dance placing the criticism in context organising the dance motif phrase motif into phrase sequencing transition repetition variation and contrast formal structure unity appraisal and evaluation evaluation general values of society specific values in the context of the work worth and merit effectiveness/appropriateness of the work effectiveness/appropriateness of the performance Prescribed choreographers and works era/period in which they work background/training influences choreographic style This tutorial addresses the following syllabus area of study in appreciation Return to tutorial