SACE @ St John’s Ramon Bartholomeusz – Leader of Learning and Curriculum & SACE Coordinator What is it? What’s interesting about it? What should you keep in mind for Years 10 – 12?
What is the SACE? The South Australian Certificate of Education A qualification denoting the achievement of a level of knowledge and skills To be eligible to apply for university through SATAC, students must complete the SACE and achieve an ATAR Comprises 2 stages and is credit based
SACE Stages and Credits Stage 1 in Year 11 and Stage 2 in Year 12 Each subject is worth either 10 credits (one semester) or 20 credits (a full year) Students must achieve 200 credits to achieve their SACE, 50 of which derive from compulsory subjects: Literacy (English): 20 credits Numeracy (Mathematics): 10 credits The Personal Learning Plan: 10 Credits The Research Project: 10 Credits At least 60 credits must come from Stage 2 subjects Certain VET courses are worth more than 20 credits
SACE @ St John’s Year 10 PLP in Semester 1 (10 compulsory credits) English Science Mathematics PLP Elective PW/PE History Year 11 Elective or Study Line Elective or Research Project Year 12 Possible 5th Elective Research Project or Private Study Year 10 PLP in Semester 1 (10 compulsory credits) Some students gain Stage 1 credits through completion of Languages, electives or accelerated Mathematics Year 11 A full year of English (20 compulsory credits) and typically a full year of Mathematics (10 compulsory credits+) Electives adding up to at least 80 additional SACE credits The option to undertake Research Project and some elective Stage 2 courses This slide displays the number of core and elective subjects that St John’s Grammar students complete in the Senior School. The text outlines the SACE courses that students typically undertake in each year level and highlights the compulsory courses. Year 12 Four or five Stage 2 subjects (80 credits) Research Project (10 compulsory credits) if not completed in Year 11
What’s Interesting About It? Flexibility – finding and fostering the subjects that students really care about Year 10 SACE Credits PLP 10 Year 11 English Lit 20 Mathematics General Biology Business and Enterprise Legal Studies Psychology Visual Arts Research Project Year 12 Total 230 Year 10 SACE Credits PLP Stage 1 Indonesian 10 20 Year 11 English Mathematics Methods Biology Chemistry Drama Stage 2 Indonesian Research Project Year 12 Total 230 Year 10 SACE Credits PLP 10 Year 11 English 20 Mathematics Essential Physical Education Visual Arts - Art Visual Arts - Design Mathematics General Business and Enterprise VET – Certificate II 30 Year 12 Research Project Visual Arts VET – Cert III 60 (20) Total 260 This slide shows three different SACE patterns, representative of three different students’ journeys competing the SACE in Years 10, 11 and 12. Each student has completed a different combination of courses to achieve the necessary 200 credits (and more).
What should I keep in mind in Year 10? Year 10 students might refer to the SACE planner at the back of the subject selection booklet. They could also begin looing at the subjects and courses they are interested in, to ensure that they study any prerequisite subjects. The SATAC website contains information regarding undergraduate university courses and prerequisites.
What should I keep in mind in Year 11? Research Project A or B and When? Research Project A Research Project B FOLIO 30% 10 pages comprising evidence of the student’s preparation and planning OUTCOME 40 % 1500 words or a 10 minute multimodal equivalent. This can be in the form of a TED talk, documentary, magazine, report etc. 2000 words or 12 minute multimodal equivalent. This can be in the form of a TED talk, documentary, magazine, report etc. FINAL TASK 1500 word REVIEW. This requires students to review and reflect on the knowledge and skills developed in response to the research question 1500 word EVALUATION. This requires strong analytical and interpretation skills to evaluate knowledge developed and research processes used in response to the research question A key decision for students going into Year 11 will be when they undertake the Research Project, and whether they choose Research Project A or B. This table shows the differences in RPA and RPB assessment.
What should I keep in mind in Year12? SACE: South Australian Certificate of Education 200 Credits – 50 from compulsory credits – 60+ Stage 2 credits at a C- or above Australian Tertiary Admission Rank Achieve the SACE Complete 90 credits of TAS subjects – typically 4 Stage 2 subjects and Research Project For students going into Year 12, a key distinction to make is between the different acronyms: SACE, ATAR and SATAC. South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre Processes applications, develops rankings, generates offers
Subject Selection for 2019 Start by asking: what subjects do I really care about? Speak with Heads of Departments and teachers about the specific details Online submission information distributed in the next 2 weeks Year 9 – 10 Evening in Week 6 Year 10 and 11 students and parents have subject selection interviews in Week 6/7