CISC440 --- Final Review ---Miao Tang
Time, location, notes Monday May 24 7:00PM-9:00PM KRB205 You can bring a A4 size note with you, both sides.
Any difference between midterm and final? Much more emphasized on the materials covered after midterm (>80%) 4 questions in total: 20 pts for the each of first 2 questions 30 pts for the each of the last 2 questions
Ray Tracing You need to know the whole process No implementation code questions But details about every step Intersection? Shadow? Complexity? Order of operations?
BSP Tree What is the BSP tree? What is it used for? How to split? (draw it, number it) How to build the tree? Traversal after the tree is built?
Texture mapping What are the usual techniques? Topics: Why we need them? Compare between them. Topics: Linear interpolation(problem and solution) Minification Magnification Mimaps Summed area table Environment map
GPU programming Basic concepts (pipeline, 4 types of qualifiers) Fragment shader vs. Vertex shader Small
Shading Flat vs. Gouraud vs. Phong I am looking for details: Normal? Color? Vertex? Interpolation? Compare them Big formular: Clear about every coefficient What if I change some of the coefficents
Combining question GPU programming on some technique(like texture mapping, shading) Texture mapping within ray tracing BSP tree applications
Only for Grads Including all the topics for undergrads Plus: About 30% of the questions are mathematical deduction Mathematical analysis on given picture or effects Environment mapping