NSWC Crane Division Mr. Bergsten has been in the Telecommunication field for over 25 years in both private industry and as a government worker with an extensive background and work experience in network systems, server implementations and security concerns. Mr. Bergsten is currently the Distance Support Innovation Laboratory lead and installation manager for the Distance Support version 2.0 fleet roll out. Today Mr. Bergsten will talk about Distant Support version 2.0 and utilization on the wireless enabled ships USS MASON and USS HOWARD.
Distance Support 2.0 Shipboard Resident Content Tools Infrastructure Technical Training Quality of Life Tools Task Aids Collaboration Data (Sensor) Transportation Infrastructure Leverages Wireless Connectivity Optimized Data Replication “Epsilon” Compression High Level of what Distance Support version 2.0 is.
Characteristics Ship Initiated and Controlled External Communication Ship to Shore Shore to Ship Respects Bandwidth Availability Content Replication Does Not Require Live Ship to Shore Connection Supports “Distance Support” Business Rules Content Distribution Business Processes Characteristics of Distance Support version 2.0.
Part of Wireless Installation USS MASON (DDG-87) USS HOWARD (DDG-83) Distance Support version 2.0 is part of the wireless installation on the USS MASON and USS HOWARD.
Highlighted Wireless Applications Preventive Maintenance Aid (PMA) Utilizes PDAs exclusively in a Wireless Environment Collaboration USS MASON part of the Joint Distance Support and Response (JDSR) Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD) Two highlighted wireless applications include PMA which utilizes the PDA exclusively in a wireless environment and Collaboration which is also done wirelessly from laptops on the ship and was demonstrated to as part of the JDSR ACTD this past May. Of course wireless is used daily as an extension of the shipboard LAN to get to Distance Support version 2.0 by wireless laptops on board the ships.
Current Usage Average Visit Length 11 to 17 minutes MASON in Dry Dock Current usage of Distance Support version 2.0 on the USS MASON and USS HOWARD. # of Visitors is the unique visit by a sailor to DS 2.0 which on average they are utilizing DS 2.0 for 11 to 17 minutes each time. MASON in Dry Dock DS 2 as MASON’s Homepage Average Visit Length 11 to 17 minutes
Most Frequently Used Content USS MASON USS HOWARD Most frequently used content which shows PMA (wireless PDA) usage on the MASON as a small percentage but remember this only includes 4 work centers on the ship. Also it is apparent that the deployed sailor has a huge interest in medical and training while afloat.
USS HOWARD Underway with DS 2.0 and Wireless Applications Take Away USS MASON Utilizing Wireless PDAs in 4 Work Centers With Very Positive Feedback. USS MASON Demonstrated Wireless Collaboration From Mobile Laptops in JDSR ACTD Demonstration Independent JITC Observation Very Positive USS HOWARD Underway with DS 2.0 and Wireless Applications