Create your next gen games using Autodesk® 3ds Max® & Autodesk ® Middleware ® 郭勇 Autodesk研究院3ds Max开发专家 曹越 Autodesk 传媒娱乐部解决方案专家 M&E Title
Agenda Autodesk Middleware Demo Slate® 节点式材质编辑器 Quicksilver®硬件渲染器 Containers® 的本地编辑 模型和贴图工具改进 软件窗口实时显示3ds Max 材质 CAT® 骨骼动画系统 UI自定义 Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2011 software offers compelling new techniques for helping create and texture models, animate characters, and produce higher-quality images. Incorporating tools that accelerate everyday workflows, 3ds Max 2011 software helps significantly increase productivity for both individuals and collaborating teams working on games, visual effects, and television productions. Artists can focus on creativity, and have the freedom to iteratively refine their work to maximize the quality of their final output in the least amount of time.
Kynapse 3D Dynamic Pathfinding 3D topology analysis Spatial reasoning Team coordination Dynamic evaluation of environmental changes Larger-crowd pathfinding in complex terrains
HumanIK Footplanting and Dynamic Environments Full body IK Look at and Dynamic avoidance
Beast Why Bake Lighting? Beast features
Autodesk 3ds Max 2011
Slate 材质编辑器 全新节点式编辑 UI shots created in 3ds Max 2011 Artists can more easily visualize and edit material component relationships with Slate, a new node-based material editor that helps significantly improve workflow and productivity for artists creating and editing complex material networks. The intuitive schematic framework is engineered to handle the vast numbers of materials required by today’s demanding productions.
X B R Quicksilver 硬件渲染器 新的硬件渲染器助您实现渲染速度的飞越 UI shots created in 3ds Max 2011 Artists can create higher-fidelity pre-visualizations, animatics, and games-related marketing materials in less time with Quicksilver, an innovative new hardware renderer that helps produce higher-quality images at incredible speeds. This new multi-threaded rendering engine utilizes both the CPU and the GPU, and supports alpha and z-buffer render elements; depth-of-field; motion blur; dynamic reflections; area, photometric, ambient occlusion, and indirect lighting effects along with precision adaptive shadow maps; and the ability to render at larger-than-screen resolutions. You may have noticed the “XBR” in the upper right-hand corner of this slide. This denotes that Quicksilver is part of Autodesk’s Excalibur Strategy, a three-phase restructuring of 3ds Max that addresses fundamental improvements in workflow, UI, and performance.
Containers本地编辑 本地分层编辑 UI shots created in 3ds Max 2011 Artists can collaborate more efficiently with significantly enhanced workflows for Containers that enable users to layer local edits non-destructively on top of referenced content. Meet tight deadlines by working in parallel: while one user iteratively edits unlocked aspects of the container, another can continue to refine the underlying data. Multiple users can contribute changes to different elements of the same container at once, while simultaneous edits to the same component are prevented.
3ds Max 材质实时窗口显示 在视窗口直接浏览大部分的3ds Max材质和贴图 UI shots created in 3ds Max 2011 Develop and refine scenes in a higher-fidelity interactive display environment—without the constant need to re-render— with the new ability to view most 3ds Max texture maps and materials in the viewport. Modelers and animators can make interactive decisions in a context that more closely matches the final output, helping reduce errors and enhance the creative storytelling process.
新的操纵界面 Polygon建模新的操作体验,减少鼠标移动 UI shots created in 3ds Max 2011 Save time when modeling and maintain focus on the creative task at hand with a new in-context user interface (UI) for polygon modeling tools that helps eliminate unnecessary mouse movement away from the model. Modelers can interactively manipulate properties, enter values directly at the point of interest in the viewport, and preview results prior to committing changes.
CAT 骨骼动画系统 完全集成于新版本的3ds Max中 UI shots created in 3ds Max 2011 More easily create and manage characters, and layer, load, save, remap, and mirror animations with the Character Animation Toolkit (CAT). Now fully integrated into 3ds Max, CAT provides an out-of-the-box advanced rigging and animation system. With its approachable, flexible toolset, animators can use default settings in CAT to help achieve higher-quality results in less time—or completely customize rigs to include: arbitrary morphology, embedded custom behaviors, and procedural controllers for more demanding character set-ups.
用户界面定制 可随意自定义的界面布局 UI shots created in 3ds Max 2011 Help Maximize the usable workspace and focus on the features that matter most for specialized workflows with customizable user interface layouts. Create and store personalized UI configurations that include: frequently-used action items and macro scripts, and toggle the display of these configurations with the touch of a hotkey or button.
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