Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Levels of Organization Abioitic Biotic Producers Consumers Food Chains Food Webs Symbiosis $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy
1 - $100 What are members of one species in an area called? Population
1 - $200 What do several populations living together make? Community
1 - $300 What is the lowest level of environmental organization? Organism
1 - $400 What level of organization comes after population? Community
1 - $500 List all 5 levels of organization – starting with the lowest one. DAILY DOUBLE!!! Organism – Population – Community – Ecosystem - Biosphere
2 - $100 Which one is abiotic – a gar, an alligator, grass or water?
2 - $200 What are rocks, temperature and water? Abiotic
2 - $300 What level makes up abiotic and biotic factors? Community
2 - $400 What is a rock? Abiotic
2 - $500 What is a dog? Biotic
3 - $100 Organisms that make their own food from sunlight are called? Producers
3 - $200 Grass that gains energy from the sun is? Producer
3 - $300 What living things make food from sunlight? Producers
3 - $400 A prairie dog is an example of ? Consumer
3 - $500 What is an example of an abiotic element changing in an area? Introducing a new type of grass – water flooding an area – 2 species of birds competing - algae Water flooding an area
4 - $100 One food arrow going from a prairie dog to a coyote shows that? The coyote eats the prairie dog.
4 - $200 2 organisms on the food web have arrows pointing away from them and no arrows pointing toward them are ? Producers
4 - $300 What does an arrow between 2 organisms mean? Energy flowing from producers to consumers
4 - $400 What is a diagram that shows how energy in food flows from 1 organism to another? Food Chain
4 - $500 What is a diagram that shows the feeding relationships between organisms in an ecosystem? Food Web
5 - $100 Which type of symbiosis do organims help each other? Mutualism
5 - $200 What is it when 1 organism is hurt and other benefits? Parasitism
5 - $300 What is it when one organism is benefits and other is not affected? Commensalism
5 - $400 Herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores are? Consumers
5 - $500 When 2 lionesses are fighting over a fresh kill, what type of relationship is it? Competition
Final Jeopardy When a parasitic worm invades an animal who is host?