Learning to learn to teach in initial teacher education


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Presentation transcript:

Learning to learn to teach in initial teacher education Professor Wasyl Cajkler

Leicester Lesson Study Discuss collaborative approaches to initial teacher education Consider the use of lesson study as a collaborative complement to teacher education programmes Recount some aspects of the Leicester experience Relate our approach to aspects of the SEA- TCP Framework

Relationship to the SEA-TCP Framework SEA-TCF Framework Lesson study in teacher education 1. Becoming a better teacher 2. Helping students learn 3. Knowing and understanding what I teach Focus on exploring the pedagogic black box Observing learners in the classroom Collaborative preparation with a mentor enables deep analysis of learning objects and the challenges they bring

Learning to learn to teach ‘The model we propose claims that it is both more realistic and more powerful to help prospective teachers learn how to learn to teach mathematics effectively when they begin teaching. In other words, preparation programs can be more effective by focusing on helping students acquire the tools they will need to learn to teach rather than the finished competencies of effective teaching’ (Hiebert et al. 2003, 202). Hiebert, J., Morris, A. K. and Glass, B. (2003), Learning to learn to teach: An “experiment” model for teaching and teacher preparation in mathematics, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 6(3), 201-222.

Lesson study: iterative cyclical process Groups of teachers identify a learning challenge Collaboratively plan a ‘research lesson’ Teach the research lesson (one teacher, mentor or student-teacher) Others observe with a focus on case students Collaboratively evaluate the impact of the lesson (possibly interviewing case students) Re-teach improved lesson Complement (or alternative) to ‘parallel’ forms of initial teacher education

Lesson study variation for ITE Interviews? 1.mentor and student-teacher form Lesson Study group, reviewing learning challenges of students. 2. dyad/group identified a specific challenge: one aspect 3. planning 'research lesson' in detail, focusing on intended learning of 2/3 students. 4. first research lesson taught by mentor; student-teacher (and others) observes learning 5. evaluate lesson, focusing on evidence of three case students' learning. 6. Second co-planned lesson taught by student-teacher, followed by joint evaluation, including university tutor.

Lesson study Collaborative Shared ownership Developmental, not performative Focus on learning Observation of learner responses Aim: improvement of teaching Can be integrated into teacher education programmes

Possible groupings Mentor and student-teacher as a pair (dyadic lesson study) Mentor, trainee and other collaborating teacher (3) A group of trainees in one school (e.g. a triad, or quad) Mentor, trainee and university teachers The organisation depends on the opportunities in schools with which the training institution/university works Preparation of student-teachers and mentors essential

Teacher collaboration in lesson study Co-preparation of the research lesson One of the group teaches Others observe with a focus on case students in class (not the teacher) Collaborative evaluation of the lesson (photo) Possible inclusion of children’s perspectives Co-preparation of next lesson

Essence of pedagogic literacy Teachers grow in ‘educational wisdom’ (Biesta 2014) and effectiveness by: observing and responding to learning/learners reflecting in action to make wise educational judgements reading the classroom, studying the impact of their own teaching, using focused ‘attentional’ skills (Luntley and Ainley 2007) learning to plan with support from others drawing on underlying foundations e.g. ethics, values, empathy, relating with others, collaborative skills and attitudes, far too numerous and too complex to list, not reducible to a list of discrete standards. Ainley, J. and Luntley, M. (2007) Towards an articulation of expert classroom practice. Teaching and Teacher Education 23(7), 1127–1138. Biesta, G.J.J. (2014) The Beautiful Risk of Education. Boulder Co., Paradigm Publishers.

A glimpse of what it means to be a teacher: In-class literacy • educational wisdom • using attentional skills • applying wise judgement • reading the learners/classroom • dialoguing with learners • reflecting-in-action • observing learning • learner-responding • PCK: application • scaffolding • assessing, AfL, feedback Foundations in Personal Growth • personal experience of learning and teaching • professional skills e.g, planning; questioning etc. • understanding through PCK • experience & reflection • ethics Organisational dimensions • curriculum • assessment frameworks • disciplinary cultures • preparation • induction • understanding /undertaking research Socio-cultural dimensions • learning in action • professional learning • collaborative development & learning • seeking advice about teaching Interpersonal dimensions • interpersonal skills • empathy • leadership skills • firmness of purpose • inspiration/motivation skills • managing behaviour for learning Affective dimensions • values • attitudes • philosophies • passion/care Societal dimensions • policy awareness • socio-economic patterns • cultural frameworks • change orientations • accountabilities • working with the community Why do lesson study? A glimpse of what it means to be a teacher: complexity of pedagogy pedagogic literacy

Collaboration in classroom research Lesson study contributes to student-teachers’ pedagogic literacy: use of in-class skills (planning, teaching and formative assessment) use of attentional skills to read the learners/classroom application wise judgement dialoguing with learners reflecting-in-action observing learning responding effectively and supportively to learners growth in their pedagogic content knowledge (PCK) There are challenges, but results thus far are promising

wc4@le.ac.uk Thank you ขอบคุณครับ