Andrew Slatton Kathryn Dwyer Group 4 – Development of a User’s Manual for Use with an HTML Interface Andrew Slatton Kathryn Dwyer
What are CAPE & eLMS? CAPE: Courseware Authoring and Packaging Environment A visual programming language eLMS: Experimental Learning Management System A learning platform containing a courseware delivery engine
Goals To develop a new interface for the construction of eLMS problems To test this interface and to deploy it for classroom use To provide adequate documentation to users of this interface
Motivation & Purpose CAPE has a steep learning curve This may deter some educators Make a simple interface “… a consistent data-driven strategy for designing… problems.” 1 Attract a larger market
CAPE Workshop Two-day Workshops: January/February/April Outcome? First day: HPL, introductions to CAPE/eLMS Second day: Tutorials, programming with CAPE Outcome? Proved necessity for interface! Next workshop: Use interface, need manual/Captivate tutorials ready!
Where are we? Outline for Manual Focus on Captivate Tutorials Treeview Style Focus on Captivate Tutorials One all-encompassing problem Chop it up – mini-tutorials Data, Resources, Naming, Previewing, etc. Next workshop Manual/Tutorials ready
Frustrations Captivate Manual Interface Sound doesn’t match up Slides are ‘captured’ at wrong time Not real time – takes snapshot of background Manual Explanations, wording is difficult Interface IE 7.0 – Nightmare. Exporting!
Sample Tutorial – see what we mean…
Future Work Add tutorials online Go to ISIS to make them – resolution/scrolling Finish work on Manual by next workshop Test with professors Stacey Klein