What is Ecology? Ecology is the study of relationships between living things and between living things and their environment.
What is an ecosystem? Ecosystem is a system of living things that interact with each other and with the physical world. A Biome is a collection of related ecosystems.
Main Ecosystems: Desert Rainforest Ocean Salt Marshes Estuaries Grassland Temperate Forrest
Oceans Water: Submerged Temperature: Varies Soil: None Plants: Aquatic Plants (seaweed) Animals: Fish, Shelled fish, invertebrates (animals with out backbones), select mammals.
Rainforest Water: Very wet Temperature: Very warm Soil: Poor, thin soil Plants: Many plants (trees, flowers, shrubs, etc.) Animals: Many animals (birds, mammals, reptiles, insects, etc.)
Grassland Water: Wet season, dry season Temperature: Warm to hot (but often has a cold season) Soil: Fertile soil Plants: Grasses (few or no trees) Animals: Many mammals, birds, insects, arachnids, etc.
Temperate Forest Water: Adequate Temperature: Cool season and warm season Soil: Fertile soil Plants: Deciduous trees, shrubs, ground cover Animals: Many mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, arachnids, etc.
Temperate Forest
Desert Water: Dry (almost none) Temperature: Hot or Cold (one or the other) Soil: Poor (sandy) Plants: Sparse - succulents (like cactus), sage brush Animals: Sparse - insects, arachnids, reptiles and birds (often nocturnal)
Ponds Water: freshwater Temperature: Varies Soil: Varies Plants: Floating plants (water lilies, pondweed, duckweed, phytoplankton, Animals: Fish, Zooplankton, sometimes turtles or ducks
Salt Marshes/Estuaries Water: mix of freshwater and saltwater Temperature: Varies Soil: Varies Plants: diversity of grasses, shrubs and flowering plants (salt tolerant plants that adapt to the tide) Animals: Mollusks like snails, oysters and conch as well as crustaceans like crabs, shrimp and hermits meander back and forth between marsh water and land. Aquatic birds and alligators.
Salt Marshes
Grassland Taiga Tundra Temperate Forrest Desert White: Ocean What type of ecosystem is most prominent in the world? Grassland Taiga Tundra Temperate Forrest Desert White: Ocean
However… An ecosystem can be as large as the Sahara Desert, or as small as a puddle!!! Ecosystems are more than just the organisms they contain. Geography, weather, climate and geologic factors also influence the interactions within an ecosystem.
nonliving physical factors of an environment. Abiotic Factors nonliving physical factors of an environment. Abiotic Factors include amount of water and oxygen, temperature, amount of sunlight and water pressure.
Can you list some more examples of Abiotic Factors? Now You Try! Can you list some more examples of Abiotic Factors?
Biotic Factors Are the living, physical factors of an environment. Examples of Biotic Factors are parasitism, disease and predation.
Balance Ecosystems will fail if they do not remain in balance. No community can carry more organisms than its food, water and shelter can accommodate.
How do they stay balanced? To succeed in an ecosystem, plants and animals have special structures and behaviors called adaptations. Ex) Chameleon Polar Bear Can you think of more examples of adaptation?