Proximity to airports via the road network


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Presentation transcript:

Proximity to airports via the road network Hugo Poelman REGIOgis Working Party GIS for Statistics, Luxembourg, 04/03/2008

Explore methodology at EU scale Test and define data requirements 04/03/2008 Aims of the analysis Provide an indicator of availability and accessibility of passenger flights Based on Eurostat statistical data and several georeferenced datasets Regions (NUTS3) or other territories as reporting units Explore methodology at EU scale Test and define data requirements

Available passenger flights 04/03/2008 Main data sources Airport locations Available passenger flights Accessibility of the airports, via road network Distribution of population over the territory

Main airports and secondary airports 04/03/2008 Airport locations GISCO point layer Main airports and secondary airports Airport ICAO codes compatible with flight data disseminated by Eurostat

Eurostat data sets: annual data 04/03/2008 Passenger flights Eurostat data sets: annual data Main airports: number of commercial passenger flights Other (secondary) airports: total number of commercial flights Approximation of the number of passenger flights = 95% of total number of commercial flights Data expressed as daily numbers ( / 365 )

Road network EuroGlobalMap roads 04/03/2008 Road network EuroGlobalMap roads Maximum speed by country and road category

Road network Influence of the relief 04/03/2008 Road network Influence of the relief Steeper slopes affecting the speed through the network Slope based on GISCO DEM

Road network Proxy for congestion 04/03/2008 Road network Proxy for congestion Crossing main urban areas (Urban Morphological Zones) affects speed

Accessibility to airports 04/03/2008 Accessibility to airports “Service areas” around airports Max. 90 minutes driving time by road

Managing the accessibility areas (1) 04/03/2008 Managing the accessibility areas (1) Service areas around airports overlap in many places Each service area is attached to a specific airport, and related to the number of flights available

Managing the accessibility areas (2) 04/03/2008 Managing the accessibility areas (2) Numbers of flights need to be summed in the overlapping areas All service areas are merged in a raster

Population distribution 04/03/2008 Population distribution Raster-based population JRC population disaggregation grid Register-based population for Sweden and Finland (to overcome distorted distribution in sparsely populated areas)

Aggregated accessibility indicator (1) 04/03/2008 Aggregated accessibility indicator (1) NUTS-3 regions as reporting units At cell level: population * flights At regional level: Population-weighted average number of accessible passenger flights

Aggregated accessibility indicator (2) 04/03/2008 Aggregated accessibility indicator (2) Method allows for calculation of aggregated values for other territories Example: mountain massifs

Results at European scale 04/03/2008 Results at European scale

Proximity to cities and urban/rural typology 04/03/2008 Related analysis Proximity to cities and urban/rural typology

Perspectives for further analysis 04/03/2008 Perspectives for further analysis Results of the analysis are depending upon the quality and availability of several data sources Different areas for improvement and/or further analysis can be identified

Density of the road network (1) 04/03/2008 Density of the road network (1) EuroGlobalMap roads Additional EuroRegional Map roads

Density of the road network (2) 04/03/2008 Density of the road network (2) Extent of the service areas depends on the density of the road network Need for harmonised, well-defined Europe-wide network Speed attributes of road segments?

Use of digital terrain model 04/03/2008 Use of digital terrain model Slope impedances on network segment speed are dependent on the resolution of the digital elevation model Use of a more dense road network to be combined with use of a more precise slope raster

Population distribution 04/03/2008 Population distribution Analysis should be based upon state-of-the-art information on population distribution Population disaggregation grid remains an essential tool, but… Use of “real” grid-based population data can help to improve results Timeliness, completeness, harmonised spatial reference !!

Comparisons over time when longer series will become available 04/03/2008 Flight data Typology of flights could be implemented, e.g. flights by length, intra- or extra-EU flights, etc. Analysing different categories of flights expected to result in different spatial patterns Comparisons over time when longer series will become available

Applications to other themes ? 04/03/2008 Applications to other themes ? Similar analysis method might be used for accessibility analysis related to other services Education, health, rail transport, … Feasibility depends on data sources… Location information based on harmonised and comparable definitions EU-wide completeness increases interest in analysis Features should be characterised by relevant attributes related to the importance/role of the services

REGIOgis More information ? Hugo Poelman 04/03/2008 More information ? REGIOgis Hugo Poelman tel. +32 2 295 14 67