Dating and Mate Selection Chapter 5 Dating and Mate Selection
Topics to Cover Development and change in courtship, dating, hooking up, and mate selection A bioecological examination of dating and mate selection Theories of dating and mate selection Diversity in dating and mate selection Contemporary trends around the world Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Summarize historical and contemporary trends in dating and mate selection. Development and change in courtship, dating, hooking up, and mate selection Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Courtship, Dating, Hooking Up, and Mate Selection Development and change in courtship, dating, hooking up, and mate selection Courtship, Dating, Hooking Up, and Mate Selection Early-stage romantic excursions Foundation for committed relationship Includes romantic outings Allow people to get to know each other Hooking up Casual sexual experiences No commitment Friends with benefit Sexual activities with friends Friends remain friends Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Dating and the Mate Selection Process Development and change in courtship, dating, hooking up, and mate selection Dating and the Mate Selection Process Fiske’s four key relationship dynamics Communal sharing Authority ranking Equality matching Market pricing A courtship may then form Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
The Attachment Theory Attachments form internal working models Development and change in courtship, dating, hooking up, and mate selection The Attachment Theory Attachments form internal working models Secure attachments Relationships are safe Self as worthy of love Anxious, preoccupied, or ambivalent Disillusionment model People are not what they seem … Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
A bioecological examination of dating and mate selection Describe how factors in each system of the bioecological model impact dating and mate selection. A bioecological examination of dating and mate selection Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Biological Factors Evolutionary Perspectives Neurobiological Research A bioecological examination of dating and mate selection Biological Factors Evolutionary Perspectives Neurobiological Research Fisher’s Phases of Chemical Attraction Lust: androgens and estrogens peaking Attraction: dopamine and norepinephrine increase; serotonin decreases Attachment: oxytocin and vasopressin increase Internal working model activated, as well Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Person, Process, and Context A bioecological examination of dating and mate selection Person, Process, and Context Propinquity Mere exposure effect Similarity-attraction effect Mediated by self-esteem Expectancy value theory Perceived attractiveness, compatibility, and similarity Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Macrosystem Influences A bioecological examination of dating and mate selection Macrosystem Influences Women have less control over dating and mate selection Monogamy is not the norm Polygyny Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Theories of dating and mate selection Identify some theories that are used to analyze dating and mate selection patterns. Theories of dating and mate selection Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Theories of Dating and Mate Selection Structural-Functionalism and dating androcentric Conflict Theory Male entitlement and power struggles Market maximization strategy Filter Theory Pool of eligibles Propinquity Attractiveness Social background, consensus, and complementarity filters Good enough versus perfect mates Cross-cultural perspectives Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Diversity in dating and mate selection Discuss dating behaviors and attitudes in diverse populations including mixed-race couples, LGBT couples, and younger and older couples. Diversity in dating and mate selection Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Ethnicity and Dating Ethnicity and dating Diversity in dating and mate selection Ethnicity and Dating Ethnicity and dating More African Americans than whites frown on cross-ethnic relationships Less eligible men of color Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
LBGT Community and Dating Diversity in dating and mate selection LBGT Community and Dating Most begin dating heterosexually Viewed as a phase or “experimentation” Shunned, ostracized, or teased Self-doubt and shame Deprived of social support Ethnic variations in LGBT communities Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Seniors and Dating Little research on later years Diversity in dating and mate selection Seniors and Dating Little research on later years Psychological and physical health Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Contemporary trends around the world Discuss some global trends and issues that affect dating in the modern age. Contemporary trends around the world Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Contemporary Trends Less about finding a marriage partner now Contemporary trends around the world Contemporary Trends Less about finding a marriage partner now Less organized, formalized, and ritualized Young people more educated The United States: a romantic culture Individualistic bent Exportation of values to collectivist cultures Dating with technology Widens the pool of potential mates People create false personas or rush intimacy Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Dating Violence Much violence in teen dating relationships Contemporary trends around the world Dating Violence Much violence in teen dating relationships Connection between bullying and dating violence Linked to mental health problems Risk factors for dating violence Friends as moderators of violence Victim blaming Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Chapter Summary Summarize historical and contemporary trends in dating and mate selection. Describe how factors in each system of the bioecological model impact dating and mate selection. Identify some theories that are used to analyze dating and mate selection patterns. Discuss dating behaviors and attitudes in diverse populations including mixed race couples, LGBT couples, and younger and older couples. Discuss some global trends and issues that affect dating in the modern age. Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Open-access student resources Mobile-friendly quizzes Mobile-friendly eFlashcards Learning objective summaries Video and multimedia resources SAGE journal articles Checklist action plan Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.