Abu’l-Qasim al-Ferdowsi (b. Tus 940-41, d. Tus 1020) Independently wealthy. Lived off income from lands Patriotic Persian, expert in Persian history and legends Initially wrote both epic and lyric poetry, then in 980 started work on Shah-Nameh (Book of Kings), epic history of Persia from origin to end of Sasanian dynasty
Abu’l-Qasim al-Ferdowsi (b. Tus 940-41, d. Tus 1020) 1004 Ferdowsi seeks patron 1010 Ferdowsi presents Shah-Nameh to Mahmud of Ghazna but work receives only lukewarm reception. Ferdowsi eventually retires to Tus Shah-Nameh presents tragic fate for some, but advocates human struggle against fate, good conduct, tolerance, stoicism and reason
Abu Muhammad ‘Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Sa‘id ibn Hazm (b. Cordoba 994, d. Manta Lisham 1064) Poet, historian, jurist, philosopher and theologian Son of deputy to Umayyad viziers. Initially brought up in palace harem. Father falls from favour in 1008, dies in 1012 Flees Cordoba in 1013 when civil war starts
Abu Muhammad ‘Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Sa‘id ibn Hazm (b. Cordoba 994, d. Manta Lisham 1064) Periodically involved in civil war, occasionally imprisoned. Eventually withdraws to Manta Lisham Reputedly wrote over 400 works, mostly on theology and law. Works also include: Tawq al-Hamama (Ring of the Dove, treatise on love and lovers)