Special English for Industrial Robot URL :www.irobot-edu.com Mail :edubot_zhang@126.com
49PARTs Unit01 Introduction of robot Unit02 Introduction of industrial robot Unit03 Types of industrial robots Unit04 ABB robot Unit05 KUKA robot Unit06 YASKAWA robot Unit07 FANUC Robot Unit08 SCARA robot Unit09 Industry application of robot Unit10 New robots Unit11 Intelligent manufacturing and global robot development program Unit12 The outlook for industrial robot 49PARTs
Unit9 Industry application of robot Task: Part1 Painting robot Part2 Welding robot Part3 Handing robot Part4 Assembly robot Part5 Polishing robot Special English for Industrial Robot Unit9 Industry application of robot URL :www.irobot-edu.com Mail:edubot_zhang@126.com
Figure 9-4 Application of polishing robot in auto industry Unit9 Industry application of robot 38 Part5 Polishing robot “Polishing Robot”, an industry term for a robot that can be polished automatically, is widely used in the fields of 3C, sanitary ware, IT, auto parts, industrial parts, medical devices and civil products, as shown in figure 9-4. Figure 9-4 Application of polishing robot in auto industry
38 Unit9 Industry application of robot Part5 Polishing robot Robotic polishing is the process of refining surfaces until they are smooth and shiny. This application is repetitive and tedious while requiring extreme consistency. Polishing robots are programmed to apply just the right amount of pressure and move precisely in the right direction, for a consistent, thorough, high-quality product.
38 Unit9 Industry application of robot Part5 Polishing robot The advantages of robotic material removal With the flexibility, repeatability and extreme precision, polishing robots are possible to grind, trim or polish almost any material to achieve a consistent high-quality finish. These robots also improve production time while reducing waste. Robots save workers from both the drudgery and safety hazards associated with polishing. Polishing robots are unharmed by fumes and dust. Plus, robotic polishing is better for the environment because dry abrasive wheels are used instead of chemical solutions.
Methods for handling the process with a robot Unit9 Industry application of robot 38 Part5 Polishing robot Methods for handling the process with a robot Currently, polishing robots are mostly the six-axis robot in industrial applications. Based on the different properties of the end effector, the two main approaches are either for the robot to hold the workpiece or the tool, as shown in figure 9-5. (a) Holding the workpiece (b) Holding the tool Figure 9-5 Classifications of Polishing Robot
Methods for handling the process with a robot Unit9 Industry application of robot 38 Part5 Polishing robot Methods for handling the process with a robot The polishing robot holding the workpiece is usually used to polishing the relatively small workpiece. It grabs the workpiece without polished by its end effector and makes this workpiece polished on the polishing machine. Additional, it is possible to add value to the system by letting the robot unload the finished part onto a conveyor or similar. There is usually one or several tools around the polishing robot. However, robots holding the tool generally apply to large parts or workpieces that are heavier for the polishing robot.
Methods for handling the process with a robot Unit9 Industry application of robot 38 Part5 Polishing robot Methods for handling the process with a robot The handling of the workpiece can be done manually, and the robot automatically changes the required polishing tools from the tool rack. Usually applied the force control device in this system to ensure that the polishing pressure between the tool and the workpiece is consistent and to compensate the consumption of polishing head. The polishing quality can be uniform by the force control device while the teach also can be simplified. In a practical application, it is also possible to have several robots working together for ultimate flexibility. One robot holds the part, whilst the other manipulates the tool.
38 Unit9 Industry application of robot Part5 Polishing robot The Structure of Polishing Robot’s System The polishing robot’s system holding the tool consists mainly of manipulator, controller, teach pendant, the operating system of polishing and peripheral equipment, as shown in figure 9-6. 1-Manipulator 2-Controller 3-Teach effector 4-End effector 5-Force sensor 6-Inverter 7-Automatic tool changer(ATC); 8-Force sensor controller Figure 9-6 The structure of polishing robot’s system
The Structure of Polishing Robot’s System Unit9 Industry application of robot 38 Part5 Polishing robot The Structure of Polishing Robot’s System • The operating system of polishing This system includes polishing power head, inverter, force sensor, force sensor controller and automatic tool changer(ATC). • Peripheral equipment The peripheral equipment of polishing robot’s system, including fence, the robot platform, transmission device, the device to put workpiece, quieter, facilitates the system to complete the whole polishing.
38 Unit9 Industry application of robot Part5 Polishing robot Vocabulary civil ['sɪvl] adj.公民的;民间的;文职的 grind [ɡraɪnd] vt.磨碎;磨快 vi.磨碎;折磨 trim [trɪm] vt.修剪;整理;装点 vi.削减 drudgery ['drʌdʒəri] n.苦工,苦差事 dust [dʌst] n.灰尘;尘埃;尘土 hold [hold] vt.持有;保存 vi.支持;有效 conveyor [kən'veɚ] n. 输送机,[机] 传送机
38 Unit9 Industry application of robot Part5 Polishing robot Vocabulary compensate ['kɑmpɛnset] vi.赔偿;抵消 vt.补偿,赔偿 consumption [kən'sʌmpʃən] n.消费;消耗;肺痨 manipulate [mə'nɪpjulet] vt.操纵;巧妙地处理;篡改 inverter [ɪn'vɝtɚ] n.换流器;[电子] 反相器
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