Effective Slide Presentations Clear purpose – readily understood have a main point simple format free of nonessential information Digestible only ~ 1 min / slide graphic format designed for presentation Visible & legible Powerpoint – use 20pt or more, Arial
Integrate with verbal text slide should augment what you say don’t read your slide use your slides in place of notes If you need a slide several times, use duplicates Use a pointer don’t overuse the laser Don’t put your presentation in checked luggage
Pay attention to font size: This is 24 pt font size
Font type makes a difference: Arial font is easy to make out even in relatively small font size Times New Roman is not nearly so clear For a more casual, but easy to read font, use Comic Sans MS More ornate fonts can be hard to read Bold works better in large font size than small
Color is an important consideration
Let’s see how we can find papers and import figures from them. Go to the Randall Library web page: http://library.uncw.edu/