How to submit your course textbook info to the OSU Bookstore * If you should require assistance, please email * Go to website: Start to populate the drop-down fields and boxes by following these guidelines:
Enter instructor name (you) Select the term Select the Department Enter your name, email address and office phone number (this is important to enter correctly as the confirmation will be sent to this email address) Enter course number Enter section number (typically this is for your first lecture section offered and can be found on the online schedule of classes) Enter instructor name (you) Estimated enrollment (can simply list the enrollment capacity listed on the online schedule of classes) Select if text will be required or optional Enter any pertinent comments. Examples: New text this term Additional lecture sections (002, 003 etc) Crosslisted with CE 123 and estimated enrollment includes crosslisted course You can also copy the information from previous terms. Once complete, Submit form.
Submission Confirmation From: [] Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 9:21 AM To: Bracha, Anita <> Subject: Faculty Order, 2018-Winter-GEO-315-001 Term: 2018-Winter Department: GEO Course Number: 315 Section Number: 001 Instructor: Tepley Estimated Enrollment: 40 Submitted by: Anita Bracha Email: Phone: 7-1238 Comments: New text Item: 1, Required, ISBN/SKU 978-0-32-159257-6, Author Winter, Title Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Year , Edition 2, Publisher PEARSON LEARNING, Volume You will get an email confirmation that your submission went to the bookstore. If they have any concerns they will follow up with you.