TITLE OF POSTER (40 pt.) HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATE (36 pt.) Author 1, Author 2, Author 3 HOW TO USE THIS TEMPLATE (36 pt.) General information (28 pt.) This template produces a 6’ by 3’ poster The white columns are shapes and are adjustable so you are able to remove/add columns as needed Text boxes are placed on top of these shapes Copy and paste styles to replicate them in other columns PowerPoint provides guides to make sure your text is centered and lines up with other text boxes Fonts and styles Your font size should be no smaller than 20 pt. (this sentence is an example) This template uses 16 pt. font so you can have a lot of useful information, but make sure you increase the size before you enter in your content. Do not change the font. Regular text should be Franklin Gothic Book and bold text should be Franklin Gothic Demi Your font color should be dark grey for paragraph text and dark blue for headlines and important information. You can use the eyedropper tool to grab the blue if it is not in your default options. You should break down your font styles using the following guide: HEADING 1 (36 pt.): USE THIS STYLE FOR IMPORTANT TITLES SUCH AS INTRODUCTION, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (SEE THE EXAMPLE AT THE TOP OF THIS SECTION). THIS SHOULD ALSO BE THE LARGEST TEXT OF YOUR POSTER. Heading 2 (28 pt.): Use this style for secondary headlines and for highlighting important information. This would be a great style option for calling out your research questions or steps for methodology. Heading 3 (24 pt.): Use this style for calling out important information in your text or has a third heading in your content. Paragraph (20 pt.): Use this style for regular paragraph text. Bulleted lists and separating content Try to avoid using large paragraphs on your poster. Bulleted lists combined with headings will help your user understand your key points. You can use the bulleted list template below Here’s an example of a bulleted list And here You can also try using the following format to summarize key points: Key point 1: Lorem ipsum Key point 2: Lorem ipsum Key point 3: Lorem ipsum GRAPHICS + PHOTOS Great posters have great graphics When inserting a photo do not add borders or other enhancements Photos should have associated captions, several options are shown below Avoid adding blurry photos. You can visit this page to search for high-quality photos. You may also have charts in your poster. If possible, utilize the templates in the next column to display your data to create a cohesive look and feel. If using screenshots of your tables, make sure they are high-quality MORE TIPS Saving your poster Make sure you save your poster as a PowerPoint first Then, save as a PDF so you can send it to print at a copy center Resources You can find a list of free stock photo sites here. Icons are also a great way to add imagery to your poster. Below are some icons you can use. If you use these icons, please add “Icons designed by Freepik” in your references. Resize as needed. QUESTIONS? If you have questions or comments about this template, please contact Deaven Freed, CTSI communications specialist, at deavenf@ufl.edu. REFERENCES 1 Provide your references here. PowerPoint does not provide automatic footnote numbering. You will need to create reference numbers in your text and hand edit them here for each reference. Use superscript font to provide a reference number for each item Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Figure 1.0 Organizational Structure of the University of Florida Chart Title Data Figure 1.0 Organizational Structure of the University of Florida Figure 1.0 Organizational Structure of the University of Florida Figure 1.0 Organizational Structure of the University of Florida Use this area to list additional collaborators (there is plenty of room here to list more than 100 people if needed) and acknowledge support including funding. For the CTSI, use a funding citation such as: This work supported in part by the NIH/NCATS Clinical and Translational Science Awards to the University of Florida UL1TR001427, KL2TR001429 and TL1TR001428