Your Organisation Logo Formatting/design rules Title of the poster Authors Name Surname Institution/organization Introduction Formatting/design rules This is a template for your conference poster. The text and figures on this poster are examples for illustration purposes, and may serve as a good basis for the design of your poster. It is important not to put too much information in a poster. Remember that the conference paper is the place for the details. In the poster session you may have handouts, pamphlets or your paper available to those interested in your work. The poster should have eye-catching elements causing people to stop, look at the poster and to initiate questions and discussion. Ensure that there is a good balance between the different types of elements (text, diagrams, graphs, equations and photos). The Conference Organising Committee will make it possible to have your poster displayed during the whole conference. There will be ONE DEDICATED poster session, and it is mandatory for the presenting author to be available in this slot. Use pictures only in good quality If possible use vector image Stick to two or at most, three colors for text and graphical elements Recomended to use more figures -less text How to make your poster? Poster format: The poster size should be 59,4 x 84,1 cm (A1 format). Fonts: We recommend that you use Arial or a similar font – this type of font is easily read on distance. Size: Make sure the font size is large enough so the title can be read when walking through the poster area. We recommend the title to be 60 pt. and the rest of the text between 18 and 36 pt. Align the text evenly along the left and right margins (justify) as this is best to read - both for the eye and brain. Template: This PowerPoint file is a good starting point for making your poster. The structure, font and graphical elements at the top are designed to make a good visual impression of your poster. Fastener for the posters will be provided by the conference organiser. First make a sketch of the poster Best Wishes to make it worthy the BEST POSTER AWARD Contact information (Preferably Group Head and Presenting Author): Address, phone number, e-mail or other information.