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Presentation transcript:


Endeavours to enable PWDs access their rights Community Based Rehabilitation Forum Endeavours to enable PWDs access their rights CBR Forum, Bangalore, presents: Community Based Rehabilitation Forum: It’s role in the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in India.

CBR Forum (Caritas India) February 1995 Misereor, Germany Beginnings Partners, Communities and Government Apr 2006 : Caritas Germany Apr 2005 : LFW, Austria June 1996 CBR Forum (Caritas India) It all began way back in February 1995 with a consultation by Misereor, Germany at Madanapalle, Andhra Pradesh, in Southern India. As a result of this consultation, CBR Forum was formed and began functioning in June 1996 with Caritas India as it’s legal holder. The seed that Misereor planted in 1995 has grown into a massive tree. Since 1 Apr 2005 the Forum has joined hands with Light for the World, Austria to take forward the CBR of PWDs in the NE. Today the Forum works with partners and communities throughout the country to promote the CBR of PWDs. February 1995 Misereor, Germany

Vision Our vision is of an equitable world where rights and dignity are respected and where people with disabilities lead a good quality life and are empowered to participate in society. The Forum verbalises it’s vision as follows: Our vision is of an equitable world where rights and dignity are respected and where people with disabilities lead a good quality life and are empowered to participate in society.

Purpose The purpose of the CBR Forum is to work with people with disabilities, their families and wider society on empowerment and inclusion – to promote rights, dignity and responsibility. The purpose of the CBR Forum is to work with people with disabilities, their families and wider society on empowerment and inclusion – to promote rights, dignity and responsibility.

We work On rights-based work with partners With collectives of people with disabilities With networks on advocacy By strengthening the capacity of individuals and groups By accessing resources The Forum works on : - rights based work with partners - with collectives of PWDs - with networks on advocacy - by strengthening the capacity of individuals and groups and - by accessing resources.

Our priority groups are Poorest of the poor in un-reached rural area. People with multiple and severe disabilities People over 60 Children Women Our priority groups are: - the poorest of the poor in un reached rural areas - people with multiple and severe disabilities - people over 60 - children and - women.

Strategic Objectives Strengthen rights-based work with Partners. 2. Strengthen advocacy. Strengthen the movements of disabled people. 4. Strengthen knowledge and skills in CBR. Coming down to specifics, CBR Forum has spelt out the following strategic objectives: Strengthen rights based work with partners Strengthen advocacy Strengthen the movement of disabled people Strengthen knowledge and skills in CBR Mobilize resources Strengthen the organization. Mobilize resources. Strengthen the organization.

Strategic Objective 1 – Sub Objectives 1. Strengthen rights-based work with Partners. a) Systemize activities to enhance the capabilities of partners b)    Bring the selection process of partners in line with repositioning c)    Adjust monitoring plans in line with repositioning d)    Introduce RBW training to partners e)    Evolve criteria for selection/ working with parterns f)    Build capacities of partners g)   Create alliance on disability issues h)    Systematize rights based work with partners i)     Identify and enable develop org to include PWDs j)     Intro DPO’s involvement in M and E of the programme k)    Continue to build on partners capacity   Some of the suggested sub objectives to take strengthen the rights based work with partners are: a) Systemize activities to enhance the capabilities of partners b) Bring the selection process of partners in line with repositioning c) Adjust monitoring plans in line with repositioning d) Introduce RBW training to partners e) Evolve criteria for selection/ working with parterns f) Build capacities of partners g) Create alliance on disability issues h) Systematize rights based work with partners i) Identify and enable develop org to include PWDs j) Intro DPO’s involvement in M and E of the programme k) Continue to build on partners capacity

Strategic Objective 2 – Sub Objectives 2. Strengthen advocacy. Identify and work with advocacy organisations Plan a strategy for advocacy with state govt with focus on education and livelihood Develop strategies with DPOs for advocacy with district authorities and state govt. Create alliances with NGOs and DPOs Influence in national forums and govt bodies Do research to influence state policies on health, education and livelihood Influence NGO networks to include disabled people and issues. Systematize advocacy. Build on networks to join and influence state and national level bodies. Strengthen regional partners to influence   Some of the suggested sub objectives to strengthen advocacy are: Identify and work with advocacy organisations Plan a strategy for advocacy with state govt with focus on education and livelihood Develop strategies with DPOs for advocacy with district authorities and state govt. Create alliances with NGOs and DPOs Influence in national forums and govt bodies Do research to influence state policies on health, education and livelihood Influence NGO networks to include disabled people and issues. Systematize advocacy. Build on networks to join and influence state and national level bodies. Strengthen regional partners to influence

Strategic Objective 3 – Sub Objectives 3. Strengthen the movements of disabled people Develop policy on DPOs with partners Formation and strengthening of DPOs Build up a network at district and state level Facilitate the emergence of DPOs Build capacities of DPOs Work towards initiating watch forums Facilitate linkage with other movements Put a policy on DPO in place Build up capacities of DPOs Build up links among DPOs at Dist / State Some of the suggested sub objectives to strengthen the movement of disabled people are: Develop policy on DPOs with partners Formation and strengthening of DPOs Build up a network at district and state level Facilitate the emergence of DPOs Build capacities of DPOs Work towards initiating watch forums Facilitate linkage with other movements Put a policy on DPO in place Build up capacities of DPOs Build up links among DPOs at Dist / State Build on networks to join and influence state and national level bodies. Strengthen regional partners to influence

Strategic Objective 4 – Sub Objectives 4. Strengthen knowledge and skills in CBR. Draw up plans to up-grade training programme in line with repositioning Systematize monitoring and evaluation Phase in platforms at various levels for ensuring human rights based approaches Build up research and documentation on CBR and disability issues Conduct need analysis of the partners and disability sector Prepare training modules Organise training programmes Enhance the capacities of the resource centres Update the contents and process of training Use platforms to spread rights based approach. Build up documentation on CBR and Disability issues to promote … Some of the suggested sub objectives to strengthen knowledge and skills in CBR are: Draw up plans to up-grade training programme in line with repositioning Systematize monitoring and evaluation Phase in platforms at various levels for ensuring human rights based approaches Build up research and documentation on CBR and disability issues Conduct need analysis of the partners and disability sector Prepare training modules Organise training programmes Enhance the capacities of the resource centres Update the contents and process of training Use platforms to spread rights based approach. Build up documentation on CBR and Disability issues to promote

Strategic Objective 5 – Sub Objectives 5. Mobilize resources. Introduce local fundraising Continue to mobilise overseas resources Widen resource base Mobilise Local resources Some of the suggested sub objectives to mobilize resources are: Introduce local fundraising Continue to mobilise overseas resources Widen resource base Mobilise Local resources

Strategic Objective 6 – Sub Objectives 6. Strengthen the organization. Draw up a HR plan Develop the skills of the organiation Consolidate strategies Strengthen staff for hand holding of the partners Internalising across the organisation the repositioning Restructuring Revise pay scales Recruit new staff to manage proposed change Capacity building and training of staff Some of the suggested sub objectives to strengthen the organization are: Draw up a HR plan Develop the skills of the organiation Consolidate strategies Strengthen staff for hand holding of the partners Internalising across the organisation the repositioning Restructuring Revise pay scales Recruit new staff to manage proposed change Capacity building and training of staff

In Partnership for CBR Statistical data as on 31 March 2007 07 12 Today CBR Forum works with partners spread across 20 states of India. It’s Secretariat is based at Bangalore in Karnataka, South India. It works with 81 partner organizations in all: 12 are from 7 states in the Northern and Western Regions, 45 are in the five southern states, 17 are from 4 states in the Eastern Region while 07 are from the North Eastern Region. 45 17 Statistical data as on 31 March 2007

With a District level focus It has been determined that CBRF select partners in such a manner that an entire District (an administrative unit of the Government) be covered under the programme. This is to facilitate the process of networking with the Government. It has been determined that CBRF select partners in such a manner that an entire District (an administrative unit of the Government) be covered under the programme. This is to facilitate the process of networking with the Government and making

Beginning a Partnership Phase 1 programme (1 year): its objectives: to train the Coordinator and CBR Workers in CBR and Rights Based Work to collect essential data through a survey and needs and resources analysis in view of drawing up a realistic project proposal. Project Management Workshop: its objectives: to make partners aware of the expectations of the Forum to develop their skills in planning, monitoring and evaluation to improve the skills of the accountants Phase 1 programme (1 year): its objectives: to train the Coordinator and CBR Workers in CBR, the Social Model of Rehabilitation and Rights Based Work to collect essential data through a survey and needs and resources analysis in view of drawing up a realistic project proposal. Project Management Workshop: its objectives: to make partners aware of the expectations of the Forum to develop their skills in planning, monitoring and evaluation to improve the skills of the accountants

Helping the partnership mature Reflection Workshop : it’s objectives: to listen to the views of the PWDs, their families and the community as regards the needs over the next two years. to ensure that the needs listed are in line with the expected indicators for the concerned phase and to add on if essential. It is during their Phase 1 programme that partners are invited to come in for a Reflection Workshop. It’s objectives are: to reflect on the Phase 2 programme that has been prepared in view of ensuring that it is comprehensive and has a good chance to attain its goals. to see that all essential components of CBR figure in the programme being presented. On the successful completion of their Phase 1 programme, partner’s commence their Phase 2 programme. Through this programme they attempt: to commence the CBR activities in the project area and to organize the community and capacitate appropriate individuals in the community. Phase 2 Programme (2 years): it’s objectives: to commence the CBR activities in the project area. to organize the SHGs / DPOs / community and capacitate appropriate individuals.

Moving towards sustainability Phase 3 onward: it’s objectives: to impart need based training to the Organization’s staff. to enable the PWDs and the community to enhance their capacity to take the essential steps in order to sustain and improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities. to link this programme with other community development programmes in the area in view of inclusion and sustainability Thereafter, it is foreseen that there will be a maximum of two more phases of 2 years each. The Phase 3 programme which follows is of two years. The stress here is: to impart need based training to the Organization’s staff. to enable the community and PWDs to enhance their capacity to take charge of the CBR programme and to link this programme with other community development programmes in the area in view of sustainability. Thereafter, it is foreseen that there will be a maximum of two more phases of 2 years each.

Focused interventions Overall Development Of PWDs The Forum encourages it’s partners to work for the overall development of PWDs. They are invited to reflect, along with the PWDs, the Self Help Groups and the community and plan out focused interventions for rehabilitation in the physical, psycho-sexual, intellectual, socio-cultural, economic and spiritual areas of growth.

Focused interventions STAFFING AND MANAGEMENT NEEDS ASSESSMENT Overall Development Of PWDs ADVOCACY EMPOWERMENT SELF GOVERNANCE HEALTH The Forum encourages it’s partners to work for the overall development of PWDs. They are invited to reflect, along with the PWDs, the Self Help Groups and the community and plan out focused interventions for rehabilitation in the physical, psycho-sexual, intellectual, socio-cultural, economic and spiritual areas of growth. LIVELIHOOD EDUCATION

Detailed plans of intervention At the level of the community Detailed plans of intervention are drawn up by partner organizations in each of these areas of growth both at the level of the community and at the level of the individual. At the level of the individual

Detailed analysis of the impact At the level of the community Down the line, we intend to make a detailed analysis of the impact of these interventions, again, at the level of the community and at the level of the individual. At the level of the individual

Our strategy for phasing out The Forum works for a maximum period of 9 years with each partner. It is hoped that within this period of partnership the PWDs and the community are empowered and prepared sufficiently to care for the rehabilitation of PWDs utilizing locally available resources. Phase Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Period 1 year 2 years Focus Survey and Training CBR Initiative Preparing community PWDs and community take over responsibility to lobby for the rights of PWDs The Forum is in the process of developing strategies for the phasing out of partnerships. A partnership period of 9 years is being contemplated. It is hoped that within this period of partnership the persons with disabilities and the community are empowered and prepared sufficiently to take over and run the rehabilitation programme.

Focus on training of partners Training support at four levels: Workshops for new partners: Project Management Workshops Reflection Workshops. Training input given by training centers contracted by the Forum: Training Programme for CBR Coordinators Training Programme for CBR Workers Training Programme for the Management Ongoing need based training inputs from Phase II onward.. Training inputs during partner meetings. Field level support by CBR Forum staff. Let us now focus our attention on the training of partners. Partners are accompanied during the journey, through training support at four levels: Workshops for new partners: The Secretariat staff organize two types of workshops for new partners: Project Management Workshops and Reflection Workshops. In addition, training inputs are given by training centers contracted by the Forum. The training modules include: A Training Programme for CBR Coordinators A Training Programme for CBR Workers A Sensitization Programme for the Management Need based training inputs from Phase 2 onward up to the end of the period of partnership. The Secretariat staff also give or organize training inputs during partner meetings. Partners normally meet twice a year in each region. The Programme Officers and the Director of the Forum also make field visit: It is during these visits that field level support is given to the partners. The Forum sees itself as a technical advisory body to further CBR initiatives in this country.

Advocacy, Empowerment, Lobbying KARNATAKA Advocacy New / Modified Policies A pilot project Empowerment In the area of advocacy, empowerment and lobbying, it is in Karnataka state that a pilot project has been planned out. Through this project we intend to cover 13 Districts in Karnataka: Belgaum, Bijapur, Raichur, Uttara Kannada, Dharwar, Bellary, Chitradurga, Chikmagalur Hassan, Tumkur, Kolar, Bangalore Rural and Mysore. The process planned out includes Advocacy which leads to Empowerment and results in the Identification of Problems. Then comes the role of Lobbying by PWDs, communities and local NGOs and submission of suggestions for the formulation of new / modified policies, if required, or the execution of existing policies to promote the rehabilitation of PWDs more efficaciously. Lobbying Identification of Problems

Advocacy, Empowerment, Lobbying Meetings at Taluka level to discuss policies and laws formulated by the Government of India and the State Government and other Government Orders for the betterment of PWDs. Aim: to promote awareness and ensure the implementation of the above. Former Assistant Commissioner addressing Govt. Officials Let us look at each of these areas in turn to try to understand what the Forum desires to achieve. In the area of advocacy, meetings are organized at Taluka level with Government officials, PWDs, Communities and NGOs. Policies and laws formulated by the Government of India and the Karnataka State Government, as well as Government Orders that have been passed for the betterment of PWDs are discussed. The aim of these meetings is to promote awareness among all the participants and to ensure the implementation of the above mentioned policies, laws and Government orders. This programme is now being executed by the Advocacy Coordinator of the Forum. It commenced a little over a year ago when the former Assistant Commissioner, Mr. Pradeep Kumar, was based in Bangalore with his assistance and support. As a result of this advocacy, the communities and PWDs are empowered. These meetings are used as platforms to share the grievances of PWDs. They also give the Government officials an opportunity to explain their stand. Empowerment: PWDs have a platform to share their grievances. Government officials have the opportunity to explain their stand.

Advocacy, Empowerment, Lobbying Identification of Problems: The problems experienced by PWDs and Government Officials at the Taluka level are recorded. Lobbying: Follow up by NGOs to ensure local Government officials implement the policies / laws / Government orders. Representing identified problems to the nodal committee for appropriate action. Quarterly Reports from concerned Government departments under the “Right to information Act”. The output of this advocacy and empowerment process is the identification of problems. The problems experienced by PWDs and Government Officials at the Taluka level are recorded. It is the local NGOs, PWDs and communities who are expected to lobby at the local level to ensure the implementation of the policies / laws / Government Orders.

The team behind it all The Executive Committee CBR Forum for persons with disabilities was formed in 1996 through the initiative of Misereor, Germany with Caritas India as the legal holder. It has 3 Institutional members: one from Misereor, one from CBCI and the other from Caritas India and can have a maximum of 9 other members. Its Executive Committee of 5 Members consists of the Institutional Members, the Chairperson, and one representative elected from among the other members. The Board meets thrice a year. The Executive Committee MISEREOR, Postfach 14 50, Mozart Strasse 9, D - 52015, Aachen, GERMANY. Dr. Nina Urwantzoff, Institutional Member Dr. Mani Kalliath, No. 94, Sector ‘A‘ AWHO Colony, Gautam Enclave, Secunderabad, ANDHRA PRADESH – 500 009. Dr. Mani Kallaiath, Chairperson Bishop of Shimoga, Bishop’s House, Sagar Road, Shimoga, KARNATAKA – 577 204. Most Rev. Gerald I. Lobo, Institutional Member Director, SANCHAR, Appropriate Rehabilitation of the Disabled, A-2 /6, Diamond Park, Joka, Kolkata, WEST BENGAL – 700 104. Ms. Tulika Das, Member What about the team behind the achievements of the Forum? We had started off by saying that CBR Forum for persons with disabilities was formed in 1996 through the initiative of Misereor, Germany with Caritas India as the legal holder. It has 3 Institutional members: one from Misereor, one from the Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI) and the other from Caritas India and can have a maximum of 9 other members. Its Executive Committee of 5 Members consists of the Institutional Members, the Convenor, and one representative elected from among the other members. The Board meets thrice a year. As on date the three Institutional members are represented by Ms. Nina Urwantzoff, Most Rev. Gerald I. Lobo and Fr. John Noronha. The Executive Committee is formed of these institutional members, along with Dr. Mani Kalliath, the Chairperson of the Forum and Ms. Tulika Das, elected member to the Executive Committee. Executive Director, Caritas India, CBCI Centre, Ashok Place (Gole Dakhana), NEW DELHI - 110 001. Fr. Varghese Mattamana, Institutional Member

The team behind it all Dr. Kurian Zachariah, Member D-3, Staff Quarters, St. John’s Hospital, Koramangala, Bangalore, KARNATAKA – 560 034. Dr. Kurian Zachariah, Member Consultant, Disability and Development, A-249, First Floor, Vikaspuri, NEW DELHI – 110 018. Ms. Vandana Bedi, Member Executive Director, Action for Food Production (AFPRO), 25 / 1A, Institutional Area, Pankha Road, D Block, Janakpuri, NEW DELHI – 110 058 Mr. D. K. Manavalan, Member Service / Director, Sense International (India), 405, Favourite Residency, Opp. St. Xavier’s Loyola Hall, Memnagar, Ahmedabad, GUJARAT – 380 052. Mr. Akhil Paul, Member The other members of the Board are: Dr. Kurian Zachariah, Sr. Maria Jyothi, Ms. Vandana Bedi and Mr. D. P. Poddar. 28, Second Cross Road, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, CHENNAI – 600 020. Ms. Jayshree Ravindran, Member

A team of 60 Resource Persons The team behind it all A team of 60 Resource Persons Mr. Nicholas Guia Rebelo, Director Mr. C. Mahesh, Advocacy Coordinator Ms. Julien Peter, Secretary The Secretariat with its staff of 8 persons, sees to the day to day execution of the Forum’s work under the leadership of the Director. The Secretariat also works along with a team of 70 Resource Persons spread across the country. These Resource Persons care for the the pre funding assessment and interim or post funding evaluation of projects. The Forum has insisted from the very beginning that this role be performed by independent Resource Persons. Mr. Venkatesa R., Programme Officer Mr. Alwyn Monteiro, Accounts Officer Mr. Penchalaiah, Office Assistant Mr. Chongtham Odessey , Prog. Assistant

a brighter future Together we are looking forward to a brighter future for Persons with disabilities in India! for persons with disabilities in India!