South Asia
Afghanistan Won independence from Britain 1919 Communists took over 1978- USSR invaded in 1979 to help Commies stay in control (w/drew in 1989) Series of civil wars ended in 1996 w/ the Taliban taking over; toppled by US in 2001 Today - Pres Hamid Karzai
Afghanistan slightly smaller than TX Landlocked; rugged mountains Population-32.7 million 99% Muslim 28% literacy rate Capital- Kabul Extremely poor Currency- Afghani
India People first settled in India c1500BC Brit colony from 1800s-1947 Has nuclear weapons 1/3 size of US Population 1.1 Billion 81% Hindu; 13% Muslim English widely spoken but Hindi is the nat’l language
India Capital- New Delhi Federal Republic- Pres Pratibha Patil Diverse economy Currency- Indian rupee
Pakistan Part of India until 1947 Has nuclear weapons 2xs CA Population 167.8 million 97% Muslim Federal Republic- Pres Pervez Musharaff Capital- Islamabad Impoverished and underdeveloped Currency- Pakistani rupee
Nepal Slightly larger than AR Landlocked Mt Everest located there Population- 29.5 million Hindu is official religion Const Monarchy Capital- Kathmandu One of poorest and least developed countries in the world Agriculture and tourism Nepalese Rupee
Bhutan ½ the size of IN Landlocked Population- 682,321 Const Monarchy Capital- Thimphu 75% Buddhist Currency- ngultrum
Bangladesh Part of India until 1947; part of Pakistan until 1971 Smaller than IA Population- 153.5 million 83% Muslim Parliamentary Democracy Capital- Dhaka Poor, overpopulated, and inefficiently governed Currency- taka
Sri Lanka Brit colony from 1815-1948; known as Ceylon Island off coast of India Population- 21.1 million 69% Hindu Republic Capital- Colombo 2004 tsunami killed 31,000 and destroyed a lot of the economy Currency- Sri Lankan rupee