HIV in NSW, Australia ACON is New South Wales’ leading health promotion organisation specialising in HIV and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex health. 70% to 85% cases are MSM : 1/3 are 20-29 years old. A decade of relative stability until recently.
Everything has changed
Sustained engagement in particular among young MSM Post-evaluation of the first 3 stages of ENDING HIV (18 months) Exceptional recall: 66% to 85% for young men 12,000 Facebook fans, 32% are 18 to 25 and 50% < 30 40% of the total reach are young and male ~35,000 people. Very significant shift in particular among young men These are fantastic results and provide evidence of the appetite young gay men have for HIV content. We are also focussing on providing increasingly complex HIV prevention messaging to meet the needs of the population that we work with. Our starting point was to acknowledge and work within the existing social settings for young men – which are increasingly less focused on traditional gay venues such as bars, night clubs and sex on premises venues. Developing successful online campaigns requires a combination of skills across educational, health promotion and technological modes.
What makes Ending HIV different? 1
Rethink how we engage with MSM, in particular young men Strong Long term For young men BRAND Reach Visibility IMPACT Dialogue Dynamic Daily DIGITAL
Understanding young MSM Epi Data + HIV Research + Market Research Source: We Are Social
Understanding young MSM What do they look for? What do they like? Where are they? When do they spend most of their time online? Beneficial to reach high levels of engagement and respond to their interests and needs Assess all topics which appeal gay men; not only focused on HIV related content
V Generic Youth
SOCIAL MEDIA PERFORMS BETTER THAN GAY MEDIA 50% of traffic from <30 y.o 2nd main web traffic source 2nd main campaign recall contributor (66 to 85%)
CONTENT is the new currency
It’s all about content Analyse response from young men Everything but spamming: your fans own the relationship Generate highly engaging content (HIV related + relevant to young men) Be responsive to both interactions and trends Deliver mix of promotional, educational, entertaining content Analyse response from young men
Karen Price, Tony Tang, Troy Sinkovic, Mike Wacher Thank You Acknowledgments ACON Karen Price, Tony Tang, Troy Sinkovic, Mike Wacher FROST DESIGN ACON acknowledges the support of its primary funder, the NSW Ministry of Health Thank you.