People, Birds, and Bats.


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Presentation transcript:

People, Birds, and Bats

People, Birds and Bats 3/16/15 Key Question: How are kingdoms divided into smaller groups? Initial Thoughts:

Taxonomy Aristotle classified living things by if they were animal or plant, and then by where they lived. ie. Land animals, aquatic animals, animals that fly. Later, Carolus Linnaeus classified them into the kingdoms, and then further grouped them based on similar structures into phylum, class, order, family, genus, species

Evidence 1 Brainstorming – Pair Share What kinds of evidence can you use to classify vertebrates? Make a list in your journal under Evidence 1 One partner shares their list and explains why their evidence is important for classification Next partner agrees or disagrees with their partner’s list and explains why.

Evidence 1: Mystery Animals (Glue chart into your journal) Predicted Class Reasons placed in that class Correct Class? #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 Create the following chart in your notebook:

Instructions Using the kingdom chart and the clues in the letters, try to place each animal in the correct class: Amphibians, Birds, Bony Fish, Mammals, Reptiles Record this in your chart Remember, these are all in the: Animal Kingdom Chordate (vertebrate) Phylum

Check your table: Reptile Bony Fish Birds Reptiles Mammals Bony fish If you got it correct, put a check mark in the last column. If you got it wrong, write in the correct class.

Analysis Questions How are the kingdoms broken up into smaller groups? What characteristics do you think best distinguish each vertebrate class? Why do some vertebrates appear to fit into two or more different classes?

Summary What did you think about how kingdoms are divided into smaller groups before this lesson? What did you learn about how kingdoms are divided into smaller groups from this lesson? (Minimum of 3 sentences!!!) What are some further thoughts or questions you have about how kingdoms are divided into smaller groups?

Reflection Create a mnemonic device to help you remember Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. For example: King Philip Cried Out For Good Soup

Big Idea Write the big idea for the learning target.

Rate My New Knowledge on the Learning Target 0 – I don’t understand 1 – I have some knowledge 2 – I understand the learning target well 3 – I understand the learning target well and I can teach someone else about it If you scored less than 2, explain what you can do to meet this standard