Overall Effectiveness Current Framework: Grade Structure Outcomes Overall Effectiveness Outcomes (indivs & groups) Attainment Achievement & Enjoyment Progress (all) Progress (SEND) Capacity Safe Behaviour Leadership & management PDWB Healthy lifestyles Contribution Ambition & Drive Attendance & punctuality Economic W-B Governance SMSC Relations w parents Quality of teaching Partnerships Current Framework: Grade Structure Assessment Equality of opport’y Quality of Curriculum Safeguarding Quality of provision Quality of care, guidance and support Community Coh’n Value for money 1
2012 Framework Judgements? Overall Effectiveness Achievement Pupils’ SMSC Quality of learning, work and progress 2012 Framework Judgements? Closing gaps Standards on leaving Leadership/Management Progress of SEN/D Literacy Ambition + Improving achm’t Improvement of T&L Teaching Supports and develops staff Behaviour/Safety School improving; capacity Aspiration, challenge, stretch Accuracy and use of Self-Eval Pupils’ conduct Develop knowledge, understanding, skills Appropriateness of curriculum Attendance & punctuality Safeguarding Assessment, feedback, planning Attitudes to others/respect Equal opportunities Protection from bullying Develop literacy Parental engagement 2 Partnerships