16/11/2018 16/11/2018 Understanding the Problems Applying Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) for Better Regulation Ian Mitchell BA BSc FORS Operational Research Unit Analytical Decision Support Economics Strategy & Better Regulation CORNWALLIS XVII - April 2012 The paper draws on recent work by the Operational Research Unit (ORU) within the Economic Strategy and Better Regulation Group at the Department of Business Innovation and Skills (BIS), using Peter Checkland’s Soft System Methodology.
16/11/2018 Introduction This presentation describes the application of Peter Checkland’s SSM to OR support to the Better Regulation Executive in early 2011. The benefit was a better understanding of the processes and gaps in the creation of regulation and its place as a policy lever. The presentation covers the technical use of SSM, the techniques adopted and how social aspects of the work allowed OR to assist the Management of Change. It concludes on the value of OR to Efficiency and Managing Change through provision of insights and knowledge rather than answers and as a means to improve how clients and their stakeholders work together.
U is for UNDERSTAND Operational Research Method 16/11/2018 U is for UNDERSTAND THE O.R. METHOD Understand the Problem Operational Research Method University of Buckingham Exam Question spotting 11% of Business Modelling 7 Steps – U-D-F-S-I-V-I U- UNDERSTAND Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) A structure to understand a situation 1993 work for European Space Agency Economic benefits from telecommunication satellites “Soft Systems Methodology in action” Checkland & Scholes 1990 J Wiley Determine the key variables Formulate the variables Solve the formula Interpret the results I first encountered the OR Method CLICK as a sure fire 11% at the University of Buckingham’s business modelling course. The OR Method gives the context for the use of analytical techniques to provide a basis for decision. there are analytical steps, although shown in a list here they are more like Escher’s Staircases as they do feed into one another. Determine the Key variables formulate then solve followed by application , interpreting the analysis validating it and seeing some action implemented. (Source: P. Harrison Operational Research Core Business Studies Mitchell Beazley 1983 pages 36- 41) Understand the Problem is the first step of this OR Method. To do that some form of structure helps – Soft Systems Methodology (SSM )acted as a means for elicitation of domain knowledge to inform structural changes and a new view of a system, derived from many perspectives. In 1993 as an independent OR Consultant I used SSM to prompt work looking at the economic benefits from telecommunication satellites. This book was extremely useful then and again this year. Validate the findings Implement action
U is also for URGENT Late on Sunday evening By teatime on Monday 16/11/2018 U is also for URGENT Late on Sunday evening Sent: 06 February 2011 21:04 Subject: URGENT: BRE options - mapping the regulatory management system Andy - I've been given your name by Tera as someone who might be able to help us in BRE to redesign the framework we have put in place for managing regulation under the Coalition agreement. We urgently need to map the system that now exists to understand the potential cause and effects of different parts of the system as it affects different actors (and there are lots.... By teatime on Monday As we agreed I do think some soft systems analysis of where we are, where we want to get to and how we might do it would be enormously valuable. Any help you think you can offer would be much appreciated. Tuesday Dark O’Clock OR Analyst on way to the options workshop The tasking was particularly fast. This brings out the importance of contact and support within the leadership of both supplier and client for OR. Tera is the Director General of ESBR, Andy the Head of Profession for OR and the writer Alison was a senior manager in the BRE.
Introduction to BRE Better Regulation Executive 16/11/2018 16/11/2018 5 Introduction to BRE Better Regulation Executive How to apply less Resource What options are there? Which is better (or less worse)? Soft System Methodology (SSM) A system transforms inputs into outputs Do X by Y in order to achieve Z I used PowerPoint a lot during this work. The notes pages allowed pictures to be created and text to be combined. A lot of the slides following are as they were when used for BRE. Often used as a handout rather than projected/ This is one of them – at the BRE DD’s weekly meeting on Thursday I explained what I understood my task to be and introduced SSM’s terms. 5
SSM uses terms to prompt a view 16/11/2018 16/11/2018 6 SSM uses terms to prompt a view CATWOE Customers – Victims or beneficiaries of T Actors – Those who would do T Transformation – Conversion of inputs to outputs Weltanschauung – World view making T meaningful Owners – those who could stop T Environment – Elements outside system taken as given Answers give Root definitions and Rich Pictures This was the most useful slide during the next weeks It gave a set of terms for us to use. It acted as am Aide Memoire to initial discussions of a process of enquiry. 6
CATWOE from Tuesday BRE Transformation Customers Actors Regulation 16/11/2018 16/11/2018 7 CATWOE from Tuesday Transformation Department Process per flowchart BRE Options Gatekeeper Consultant Balanced overall reduction Thought Leader Transfer Functions Regulators Regulation Customers Based on Tuesday’s workshop the day after the e-mail exchange this seemed to me to be the worldview of a transformation that produces regulations … but ….there are gaps and other possibilities… BRE had a range of 5 options for its future role (Gatekeeper Consultant Balanced overall reduction Thought Leader and the transfer of its functions). There appeared to be to be some implied Customers, Actors and a Transformation process the C A and T of CATWOE but not Weltanschauung Owners or Environment. CAT from CAT WOE – the regulation process was illustrated by a BRE flowchart that the analyst had obtained by a literature review during the previous day. Actors 7
Changing the worldview 16/11/2018 16/11/2018 8 Changing the worldview Weltanschauung Transformation Customers Society Citizens Economy Businesses Department Process per flowchart BRE Options Gatekeeper Consultant Balanced overall reduction Thought Leader Transfer Functions Regulators Process per flowchart Regulation Process per flowchart Regulation Regulation Process per flowchart if a new Weltanschauung is used – “Regulation is a means to enable better outcomes in economy and society.” then this changes the boundaries to be considered and so the form of the relative contribution of the 5 options for BRE – definitely an actor. From the definition of OIOO it seems that the span of T – transformation has to reach to Citizens and Businesses – the victims and beneficiaries C . There will be many different regulations going through the process – there are other policy levers to achieve effect on the effect But that’s just my view. More important are your views, especially on the terms so far undiscussed ; Environment – what do we have to take as given and Owners – who can stop the system. Actors OIOO Owners Environment 8
Next steps Complete the picture and description Means 16/11/2018 9 Next steps Complete the picture and description “To do X by Y in order to achieve Z” Identify Efficacy, Effectiveness and Efficiency Which option generates greater value in the broader system? What other options are there? Means Discuss views 1:1 per CATWOE (30 minutes) Develop Rich Pictures and Root Definitions Review these next Thursday As briefed on the first Thursday the 30 minute slots took place over the next week – data gathering was largely complete less than 10 working days from the first request. Half Term intervened but there was also the drive on restructuring in BIS- Selection went into high gear in March.
Outline Progress since last week 16/11/2018 Outline Progress since last week Discuss views 1:1 per CATWOE (30 minutes) 6 so far 2 to go (30 minutes plus...) Develop Rich Pictures and Root Definitions Review these next Thursday - Now Use SSM to describe the System “As is”: CATWOE Pictures and Definition Overall System Components – Sub-systems Describe how the System is wanted to be Potential changes already becoming apparent Identify what do we have to do to move from where we are to where we want to be the Outline as used on 17 Feb
System - As Is Society Options Ideas: Events Economy Citizens OIOO 16/11/2018 16/11/2018 Global Economy Systemic Risk Disasters Pressures Political Media Public Side effects from interventions Society Economy Interventions other than Regulation Regulation Options what to do Exhort Fund Legislate Ideas: Something should be done Choice Events EU Transposition Regulation Regulation Regulation Domestic Regulation Citizens EU OIOO RPC RRC Interested Parties Removed CATWOE titles for clarity – this gave a high level view of the system – there were areas within it that their respective Actors described in more detail. For each of 8 participants I visited them talked through the high level view and then their areas of interest, feeding back the slides and notes to them for comment. This elicited a range of responses including one participant adding new items to my view of her area. -C Customers – The broad view of the transformation below suggests that Citizens, Civil Sector Organisations and Businesses are the beneficiaries and victims. -A Actors - BRE, RPC RRC Policy Committees, Regulators, LBRO, –-T Ideas for improving sequences of events experienced by Customers => Customers experience Improved sequences of events The Policy system in which BRE is an Actor is a Transformation of ideas for interventions some of which are regulations in order to lead to improved sequences of events in society for citizens and businesses. -W Policy can improve Society by several means, one of which is the stock of regulations in effect. - “Regulation is a means to enable better outcomes in economy and society.” Owners – who can stop the T system. BRE Ministers? Environment – what do we have to take as given: stock of regulation as at February 2011, Gaps – a comprehensive assessment system eg Positive NPV of poultry density is blind to local profitability by agents so allows unviable options to proceed. Ministerial interests in solutioneering or misperceived idea eg primary legislation on wild animals in zoos – covering 37 animals in 4 circuses. Late cancellation generated avoidable costs and frustration of Householder Information Packs (Hips) from point of view of assessors. Cabinet BRE Businesses Policy Committees Regulators Ministers Civil Society Organisations BR Ministers Enforcers LBRO Departments 11
Players Actors Owners Customers Better Reg Intermediaries OGDs 16/11/2018 Actors Owners Customers Better Reg Intermediaries OGDs Advisors BRE RMs RPC Secretariat Perm Secs Comms BRE policy RPC Members BLCs Legal Officials BRUs Economists Policy officials Private Offices SpAds Bringing in the views of the participants was helpful, especially when combined with SSM terms. This gives a view of people driving the Regulation scene- applying A O C from CATWOE was instructive – Professor Patrick Blackett wrote 60 years ago that OR’s successes often arise from the discovery of problems which had not hitherto been recognised as significant.” p5 ORQ I 1 v 1 March 1950 Players – If the System is a means to effect policy changes to citizens, civil society organisations and Businesses there are no Customers here. Owners of the broader system – those who can stop it- may be actors within it. The Ministers are key owners in this sense although they are also Actors. Better Regulation Ministers are closer to Owners per SSM but are also Actors within their own Departments. A OGD Ministers Ministers B RRC C
Departments 16/11/2018 Clearance Choice Domestic Regulation Lead Department Cabinet Committee Policy Team Legal BRU BRE Within Departments Policy Teams in conjunction with Better Regulation Units (BRUs) design the regulation, using finance and legal advice from their own departments. Impact Assessments come from Economists, within the lead department. Note the high level black arrow giving context for this lower level view. Finance Impact Assessment Economists
Domestic Regulation RPC RRC Policy Committees Policy Makers 16/11/2018 Domestic Regulation RPC Interest Groups Ministers Individuals RRC Impact Assessment Impact Analysis is Fit for purpose ID Problem Consider Options Policy Makers Clearance process to consult Policy Committees Minister Voluntary Compulsion Alternatives Motivation to act Principles fit for purpose Better Impact Assessment Consultation Clear Government response Statutory Instrument implemented Final Impact Assessment Secondary Legislation Primary Legislation HoC – HoL Impact Assessment This shows the process of policy development via Domestic regulation. The whole process is represented by a single arrow on the high level view. Interest Groups, Ministers and/or individuals influence and/or direct policy makers to identify a problem that they are concerned about. They may have some alternative ways ahead in mind, with a varying motivation from internal voluntary to compulsion. The Policy Makers consider the problem and options. If regulation emerges as the preferred option an Impact Assessment is conducted whilst the owning minister initiates the clearance process to consult. The RPC has to approve the Impact Assessment as Fit for purpose to the RRC so that the Policy Committee can be assured that the principles of the regulation are fit for purpose. This is a key Decision Point, represented by the star. It is often the point at which the proposed regulation becomes visible across government. Consultation and a better impact assessment then take place. The Government clears the response to this prior to clearance to draft. The draft has an impact Assessment. Primary Legislation passes through the Houses of Commons and Lords with any number of iterations for amendments, which have their own clearance. The result is subject to a final Impact assessment as is Secondary legislation. The resulting Statutory Instrument is implemented with a sun setting requirement after 7 years. There is therefore a long gap between the initial choice of regulation as a policy lever and its implementation. Clearance to draft Impact Assessment Clearance for amendments Sun setting 7 years Post Implementation Review 3-5 years on Duty to review 14
European Transposition 16/11/2018 EU Transposition Regulation EU Transposition Regulation EP Council Concept Regulation 1-2 years 1-2 years 1-2 years SCOPE OF INFLUENCE ON POLICY EFFORT REQUIRED Regulation requiring transposition into UK Regulation stock from Europe has been formulated with limited participation. It becomes visible through the Cabinet Office list of EU and Global Issues (EGIS) by which time there is far less scope for the UK to influence the policy. The Effort required lies manly in the transition which is carried out by Departments in conjunction with BRE. There is very little intelligence on what EU policies are being conceived limiting the scope for the UK to shape these. By the time the Proposal is formulated the decision point for means other than regulation has passed. There seems to be benefit in developing a longer ranged intelligence picture of potential European sourced policies likely to lead to regulation or overall. Investment Appraisals run by the EU differ materially from those conducted for domestic policy development. The fundamental problems remain a trade off between Quality, Speed and Cost. EU and Global Issues Proposal EU EU Council Department UK Rep Cab O BRE
Regulation Stock Stock CASE LAW Citizens OIOO 16/11/2018 Sun setting Alternatives Tax- Spend-Persuade Sun setting 7 years ID Problem Consider Options Stock Regulation EU Transposition Regulation Voluntary Compulsion Motivation to act Post Implementation Review 3-5 years on Impact Assessment Domestic Regulation CASE LAW EU No 10 BR Ministers HMT RRC OGD Ministers SpAds Policy Committees Departments Officials BRUs Policy Teams DECC DEFRA CLG DfT DWP BIS RPC Interest Groups Ministers Individuals Departments work in parallel, and sometimes in silos, generating regulation and other policy levers of spending or persuasion. Tax is under direct control of Treasury. Incentives to initiate regulation are detached by time from the costs in bringing the regulation into being and applying it. The worlsview is that through Policy one can make an intervention to change the way that the whole system behaves and so can change the system. The desire to “poke” a situation and to be seen to poke it. It also assumes that predictable consequences follow any intervention and often that these consequences are simple and linear. Reality may be otherwise. The implied need is for a means to assess the combined effects of multiple interventions – “the sum of all pokes” – in order to adjust any new intervention. There is no single cross-cutting view of the amounts of regulation or the “Balance of Policy” planned or in effect. The Queens Speech summarises Primary legislation which is then timetabled by the Cabinet Office as the legislative programme. Secondary legislation (Statutory Instruments) Post Implementation Review may be a means to provide a dis-incentive to bad regulation but takes place ten some years after a regulation was set in motion so is unlikely to directly impact on the policy makers involved, who are likely to have moved on from their posts. The full stock of regulation in force has not been comprehensively logged – Some parts of it such as those regulations owned by BIS/BERR.DTI have been. Estimates that half of the current stock came from European sources may be correct. One In One Out (OIOO) should become OOOI – Departments should remove ineffective regulations from the stock rather than only consider removal when seeking to introduce new regulations. Case law based on judgements forms an additional source of requirements to the Acts. Different departments cover separate parts of the law according to their interests: BIS covers Company Consumer and Employment Law, eg Health and Safety 1974 The personalities of Ministers and the interests of their Policy Teams offer a range of combinations leading to different choices of policy or “pokes”. There are 20 Departments and circa 100 Ministers. BURDEN Citizens OIOO Civil Society Organisations Business Sectors BRE
Enforcement Citizens OIOO 16/11/2018 Regulation Regulation Regulation EU Transposition Regulation Cuts in Resources Domestic Regulation Regulation Enforcement through regulators Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act Regulation Primary Authority Scheme Sunset Reviews Co regulation Professionalism Business Regulators Health & Safety Executive Environment Agency Food Standards Agency Financial Services Agency Office of Fair Trade Programme of Inspection Documentation Citizens Earned Recognition Policy Committees Civil Society Organisations BURDEN Public Service Regulators Care quality commission HMI Prisons & Probation HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate OFSTED BURDEN RRC RPC Business Sectors Large Farmers Retailers Small businesses Care homes Child minders Nurseries Chemists OIOO GROWTH Enforcement is “The Use of a sanction to get an outcome” The Regulation stock resulting from the Domestic Regulation and EU Transposition processes is enforced via Regulators, Public Sector and Local Enforcers principally via contact with businesses. Small Businesses find greater utility from this than the larger businesses which have their own internal controls. Enforcement Officers from Local Authorities are developed through professional institutes. The Local Better Regulation Organisation (LBRO) is the main link to the Local Authorities from BRE. The Local Government Association (LGA) represents views from the Local Authorities. The burden of enforcement, which OIOO seeks to reduce, is principally felt by Businesses. The work of enforcement relies on the Programme of Inspection and documentation. Schemes such as Earned Recognition and Primary Authority reduce the amount of effort required. BRE Enforcement Officers from 460 Local Authorities County District Unitary LBRO LGA & LGR Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Trading Standards Institute
CATWOE Elements Customers – Citizens and Businesses 16/11/2018 16/11/2018 18 CATWOE Elements Customers – Citizens and Businesses Actors – Central and Local Government, Enforcement organisations Transformation – Improvement of Society-Economy Weltanschauung – Policy can improve Society and Economy Owners – Ministers Environment – Machinery of Government, Policy levers, World Events The answers that emerged from the 1:1 meetings. 18
Root Definition BRE enables UK Government policy makers and deliverers across Government and Partner Organisations to create and enforce the right stock of the right regulations in order to improve the state of the Society and Economy of Britain.
Changing the System 8 March - Three Boards Workshop 16/11/2018 Changing the System Fri 04/03/2011 11:04- I hope that, in the coming weeks we can start to use Ian's work as a basis for discussion of various aspects of the regulatory system and how it's going to need to change. 8 March - Three Boards Workshop What is good about the System as is? What is bad about the System as is? What are your brightest ideas for a better System? Issues and Solutions To bring the individual inquiries together I ran a “Three Boards” workshop. This uses three sheets with post-its to collect then cluster ideas. The bad board identifies issues. These Issues prompt solutions. Putting Issues against Solutions in a table allows coverage to be seen. The outputs of this work fed into the action plan that BRE then implemented. This workshop took the “System As Is” diagram, enlarged to poster-size, as a foundation for discussion.
System - As Is FINAL Society Options Ideas: Events Economy Citizens 16/11/2018 16/11/2018 Side effects from interventions Global Economy Systemic Risk Disasters Pressures Political Media Public Society Economy Interventions other than Regulation Stock of Regulation Options what to do Exhort Fund Legislate Ideas: Something should be done Choice Events EU Transposition Regulation Domestic Regulation Citizens EU OIOO RPC RRC Interested Parties Removed CATWOE -C Customers – The broad view of the transformation below suggests that Citizens, Civil Sector Organisations and Businesses are the beneficiaries and victims. -A Actors - BRE, RPC RRC Policy Committees, Regulators, LBRO, –-T Ideas for improving sequences of events experienced by Customers => Customers experience Improved sequences of events The Policy system in which BRE is an Actor is a Transformation of ideas for interventions some of which are regulations in order to lead to improved sequences of events in society for citizens and businesses. -W Policy can improve Society by several means, one of which is the stock of regulations in effect. - “Regulation is a means to enable better outcomes in economy and society.” Owners – who can stop the T system. BRE Ministers? Environment – what do we have to take as given: stock of regulation as at February 2011, Gaps – a comprehensive assessment system eg Positive NPV of poultry density is blind to local profitability by agents so allows unviable options to proceed. Ministerial interests in solutioneering or misperceived idea eg primary legislation on wild animals in zoos – covering 37 animals in 4 circuses. Late cancellation generated avoidable costs and frustration of Householder Information Packs (Hips) from point of view of assessors. Cabinet BRE Businesses Policy Committees Regulators Ministers Civil Society Organisations BR Ministers Enforcers LBRO Departments 21
System - As It Should Be Society Events Ideas: Options Economy 16/11/2018 16/11/2018 Pressures Political Media Public Side effects from interventions Global Economy Systemic Risk Disasters Society Economy Interventions other than Regulation Main Gate Events Initial Gate Ideas: Something should be done EU Transposition Regulation Regulation Options what to do Exhort Fund Legislate Choice Regulation Domestic Regulation Citizens OIOO Interested Parties Regulation Framework Policy Committees The System as it should be suggests a way ahead – it adds a cross government intelligence function to bring together the current component members. This envisages BRE leading the development of a framework for the Policy Teams within departments allowing a collated view of their regulation stock and flow, with predicted impact of these changes to the regulations on the Society-Economy as well as the burden of administering. BRE is the framework provider and facilitator of the descriptive, predictive and prescriptive processes. This changes the focus of effort from carrying regulations into stock to concentrating on the early stages of option formulation and selection. A longer range view of and influence on European policy selection is implied. Through a consistent and comprehensive assessment of the impacts of all regulation a decision can be better reached on what regulations should be brought into existence. This also extends the use of Impact assessment so that experience from the events that occur in the Society so that the Framework becomes better informed on what works in real life. This informs subsequent decisions at the Initial and Main Gates where regulation is chosen then confirmed as the means to proceed Businesses EU Cabinet RRC Regulators Civil Society Organisations Ministers BR Ministers RPC Enforcers LBRO Departments BRE 22
SSM – Lessons Indicated Technical Insights rather than “Answers” For the Analyst For Decision Makers Develop Common Language Top level system was accepted Lower level areas linked to it Share Understanding Social Benevolent Patronage enables OR Interest from DG and senior staff Close liaison with BRE Arrival of New Director, Selection and Restructuring OR enables change by illumination