Ms. Theresa Wagner Ms. Amelia Cruz Classification Ms. Theresa Wagner Ms. Amelia Cruz
Position Classification TECHNICIAN POSITIONS 5 USC - prescribes the GS grading system and required OPM to establish a system for prevailing rate jobs 32 USC - governs technician positions Title 5 United States Code, Chapter 51 Sec. 5104-prescribes the GS grading system. Title 32 United States Code, Chapter 7 Sec. 709 -governs technician positions.
Position Classification PURPOSE OF THE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM To determine the basic rate of pay Is the basis for pay equity under the law (= pay for = work) We determine the basic rate of pay, based off the PD #, PD Title that is annotated on the SF 52. The basic rate of pay may be subject to change if staffing determines that employee does not qualify for the standard grade. In that case, our section will change the position built in DCPDS to a trainee or developmental level and change the valid grade. This is based of the Equal Pay Act of 1963.
Classification Section Priorities Update and Maintain DCPDS Position Data DCPDS Hierarchy Organization Charts Our section deals with updating and maintaining Position Data/ Hierarchy in DCPDS. We also update and maintain the organizational charts. We update DCPDS and Organizational Charts based off SF 52’s that are submitted and approved by our Approving Official (LTC Ginter).
Organizational Charts
Organizational Charts Organizational Charts identify what a section is comprised of and the Supervisory Chain. The charts can be located on the MONG SharePoint website – Useful Documents – Human Resources Organization Charts. The Missouri National Guard Portal: How does this affect PAA?
My Team Organizational Charts may be viewed in the My Team icon at the bottom of the DCPDS screen. Validate Organizational Charts and My Team are accurate. Request Hierarchy Assistance via DCPDS My Biz. Pen and Ink copy of organization changes may be submitted to make minor changes.
Org Charts and My Team Organizational chart (visio) Organizational chart (my team)
Request Hierarchy Assistance My Biz + Customer Support Update MySupervisor (Employee) Update MyTeam (Supervisor)
Request Hierarchy Assistance Update MySupervisor If supervisor (top) reflects accurate supervisor, cancel this request. If supervisor is not accurate, select gaining supervisor or annotate Supervisors Name.
Request Hierarchy Assistance Update MyTeam Missing From MyTeam (Add Employees) Provide Employee Last Name, First Name and Comment should reflect, “Employee will remain in same organization and Position Description.” Remove From MyTeam (Remove Employees) When removing Employees from your MyTeam, please provide gaining supervisor Last Name, First Name. Absent-US employees
Request Hierarchy Assistance
Position Description(s)
Standards Position Description Standards are issued by Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Once a release package, we will notify all sections that pertain to what is being released.
A Position Description… Provides a basis for Performance Standards Formalizes decisions on assignments, responsibilities, authority, and required Knowledge/Skills/Abilities (KSA) Helps achieve: Equal pay for equal work Getting the best person for the job Employee development Career development Equitable RIF determinations
Position Classification HOW CLASSIFICATION AFFECTS PAY A PD lists a position’s principal duties, responsibilities, and supervisory relationship Within a staff, each PD defines WHO does WHAT Classification then becomes basis for setting the position’s pay
Position Classification MAJOR DUTIES ON A PD Should be listed in descending order of importance Should comprise 25% or more of a position’s duty time Should generally be regular and recurring
Supervisory Duties Adding supervisory Duties to a Non-Supervisory Technician Position PD needs to be amended to reflect supervisory duties New position can not reflect more than 25% of the average work year as a supervisor. Losing supervisory position may not drop below the 25% threshold. Once amendment is created, DCPDS will be updated to reflect supervisory duties. (Overnight process for My Workplace account) Subordinates will be linked to position Organizational Chart will be updated. Adding supervisory Duties to a Non-Supervisory AGR Position Position Data in DCPDS will be updated to reflect new Supervisory Duties. (Overnight process for My Workplace account) Subordinates will be linked to position. Organizational Chart will be updated to reflect new change.
FASCLASS Website: rch_fs/search_fasclass.asp CCPO ID: NG (always use NG) PD#: Look at manning document or last SF50 PD numbers start with an T, or D. No longer begin with an E, N, R, 8 or 7. Search Amended or Exception Position Descriptions will not be found in FASCLASS system.
SF 52 Cycle Submit SF 52 10 days prior to proposed effective date. Prevent affecting employees pay. Fill SF 52 correctly, this will prevent any delays in processing action. NO SF 52 will be processed, vice another individual, until our Classification has received and processed the SF 52 to vacate the position. INFO SYSTEM SECTION IS THE STARTING POINT FOR ALL SF 52s (Paper or Electronic) E52/Paper - Info System Section Approving Official Classification Staffing/AGR Employee Relations Labor Relations/EO (If Needed)
MOGUARD Website About Us Human Resources Forms Standard Forms - SF 52 Technician Examples (Air & Army) - SF 52 AGR Examples (Army) o -About Us, Human Resources, Forms, and Standard Forms Our office has put out an example of the SF 52s on the MOGUARD website. Our main concerns and errors we receive in Classification are Item # 15-18, 39 and Remarks. It is critical for you to list the accurate PD #, PD Title, and Position Number (from ANG MPES/UMD). Item #15-18 on the SF 52, you must review the information that is listed on the Position Description. All PD’s should start with the letter D, for excepted (Dual status) appointments, and N, for competitive (Non-Dual Status) employees. You may obtain a copy of the position description by contacting your remotes or the Classification branch. The consequences of advertising the wrong position description can lead to EO complaints, classification appeals, and grievances. Item # 39 is the Location the employee will perform duties. The Geographic Location #, which is listed on item # 38 is based off what is listed in this block. It is important that you list accurate information, our section inputs the Pay Table ID into DCPDS and this will affect wage grade employees pay. Our section requires the 1st Line Supervisor to be listed in the back of the SF 52 under Remarks; This allows our section to link the position to the immediate supervisor’s position and update the organizational chart. We also need to know who previously vacated the position. DCPDS Hierarchy is our main concern. We need supervisor’s to review Organizational Charts and ensure that DCPDS Hierarchy reflects your subordinates.
SAFE Website Website: Select CAC Users (Click Here option) Select a Certificate Personal Information: Name Email Address Confirm Email Address File Information: Click Browse to attach one .pdf file Deletion Date: Automatically set for 14 days Max Description of File: “Action Requested, Position Title, Pay Plan-Grade, Last Name and Unit” (ie: Request to Fill, Human Resources Assistant (Military), GS-06, vice Smith, HSC, 935th ASB) Safe Access File Exchange (SAFE) : In an effort to protect our customer’s PII, HRO will no longer accept SF52s (request for personnel actions) submitted to our group email boxes. All SF52 must be submitted through the SAFE website using the following instructions. NOTE: Trusted agents who use DCPDS will continue to submit technician requests for personnel actions through the system as before.
SAFE Website (Continue) Recipient Information Email Address: AGR SF 52’s Select Add Email Setting Select the following boxes: Encrypt email message when possible Notify me when file(s) downloads are STARTED (system generated email) Notify me when file(s) downloads are COMPLETED (system generated email) Require CAC for Pick-up (all recipients will need to log in with a CAC to download file(s). FOUO Upload
INBOX for SF 52’s Note: Do NOT submit SF 52’s directly to an HRO employee. HRO employee may be out of the office, which will delay the process of the action. This will cause a duplicate in the Technician inbox. It is best to keep a paper trail for your records and for ours.