Theodore Roosevelt (R 1901-1909)
Life and Career Born New York City October 27, 1858 Attended Harvard Died January 6, 1919 Attended Harvard Historian New York Police Commissioner (1895-1897) Assistant Secretary of the Navy (1897-1898) Rough Rider New York Governor (1898-1900)
Young Roosevelt
Police Commissioner Roosevelt
Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt
Presidency Youngest person to serve as President Square Deal 42 years old Square Deal Various progressive reforms Use the Presidency as a “bully pulpit” Trustbuster “Speak softly and carry a big stick” Believed in a powerful federal government
Trustbuster Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890) 1900 trusts control 4/5 of U.S. industries Many practiced unfair business practices Roosevelt first to use Sherman Antitrust Act to apply to a corporation Roosevelt files 44 antitrust suits in his presidency Taft breaks up 90 trusts
Northern Securities Company Case (1902) Northern Securities Trust Great Northern Railroad, Union Pacific Railroad, Northern Pacific Railroad Have a monopoly of railroads Controlled 32,000 miles of track 1904 Supreme Court declares NSC violates the Sherman Antitrust Act
Roosevelt vs. Railroads
United Mine Workers Strike Winter approaching, shortage of coal Roosevelt calls both sides in to work on a deal Mine operators difficult to deal with Roosevelt threatens to take over the mines Mine workers get a 10% wage increase and 9 hour work day
World Map
Panama Canal Philippe Bunau-Varilla Nicaragua & Panama Bunau-Varilla organizes a Panamanian rebellion November 3, 1903 Panama declares independence from Columbia U.S. and Panama agree to deal U.S. pay $10 million, plus $250,000 annual rent Work started in 1904 Opened August 15, 1914 Total cost - $380 million
Canal Today
Canal Construction
Panama Canal
Roosevelt Corollary Monroe Doctrine Demanded that European countries stay out of affairs in Latin America U.S. needed to increase its role as protector of Latin America U.S. has the right to intervene if a nation was victim of unwanted foreign aggression or it was violating the rights of the United States
Election of 1904 Platform Similar platform Theodore Roosevelt (R) Alton B. Parker (D) Platform Supported gold standard Independence for the Philippines Against monopolies Similar platform Called Roosevelt “arbitrary and radical”
Election of 1904 Roosevelt Parker
Election of 1904 Platform Pop Vote: 7,630,457 Electoral Vote: 336 Theodore Roosevelt (R) Alton B. Parker (D) Platform Supported gold standard Independence for the Philippines Against monopolies Pop Vote: 7,630,457 Electoral Vote: 336 “My dear I am no longer a political accident” Similar platform Called Roosevelt “arbitrary and radical” Pop Vote: 5,083,880 Electoral Vote: 140
Japan and Russia Fighting for control of Manchuria and Korea Russo-Japanese War Treaty of Portsmouth (1905) Fighting for control of Manchuria and Korea Roosevelt feared this would affect a neutral China Japan winning war Running out of soldiers and money Call on Roosevelt to help mediate negotiations Japan returns northern half of Sakhalin Island Russia returns southern Manchuria to China Recognizes Japanese control of Korea Wins Roosevelt the Nobel Peace Prize (1906)
Manchuria and Korea Map
Treaty of Portsmouth
How many U.S. Presidents have won a Nobel Peace Prize? ANSWER: Theodore Roosevelt (1906), Woodrow Wilson (1920), Jimmy Carter (2002), and Barack Obama (2009)
Football 1905: 19 deaths, 137 severe injuries Calls in presidents of top schools Pushes rule changes Leads to creation of NCAA Forward Pass 10 yards for 1st down Neutral zone
U.S. Navy Roosevelt wants to send U.S. Navy on a world tour Wanted to flex the U.S. muscles Increases the number of battleships Asks for 4, Congress gives him 2 Navy grows from 19,000 men to 45,000 men Add 10 more ships Becomes 3rd largest Navy in the world
Muckrakers Roosevelt gives nickname “muckraker” Upton Sinclair The Jungle Exposed conditions in Chicago meat packing industry Meat Inspection Act (1906) Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) FDA
Meat Packing Industry
Meat Packing Industry
Meat Packing Industry
Meat Packing Industry
Food Issues Today
Conservation Sets aside new lands 16 new national monuments 148 million acres of forest reserves Creates 5 new National Parks 16 new national monuments Newlands Act (1902) Set up the Reclamation Bureau Money for dams, national parks, etc. National Forest Service Gifford Pinchot
Land Conservation