Accountable Talk with English learners December 2017 Accountable Talk with English learners
Model Performance Indicator Language function Participants will synthesize information using texts, videos and their colleagues’ experiences in order to engage in an academic discussion about accountable talk. Supports Content stem 2 minutes
Talking? 5 minutes Secondary – one original sentence per week In our observations There are opportunities for students to practice speaking Teacher directed speaking opportunities – few opportunities for many students to speak
Turn and Talk How do you get students talking? What challenges have you had in getting students to talk? What helps to overcome the challenges? 4 minutes
Reflection On your lesson plan, circle examples of student talk. Based on your lesson, how much time did the students engage in talk? 6 minutes
Student Talk Student Centered Discussion Teacher Centered Discussion Teacher – more traditional, more often what we see, less opportunity to interact with the language, easier to control, very little student-to-student talk Student – more student to student, may feel less controllable, students interact more with language and build on each other's ideas 5 minutes
How would this look, feel, and Sound? Teacher-Centered Discussion Student-Centered Discussion Teacher evaluates the understanding of only one child at a time Students can become disengaged because they do not have constant opportunities to actively participate Students may not retain new information for an extended period without the chance to discuss it actively Students are engaged because they are allowed to use their natural inclination to talk to each other. Student process lesson material more deeply through active discussion and defense of their ideas and opinions Teacher is able to assess every student through his or her participation in the conversation Visual representation 20 minutes
https://www. polleverywhere - 12/14/17 - 12/19/17 - 12/21/17 4 minutes
Accountable talk Student talk that seriously responds to and further develops what others in the group have said. It puts forth and demands knowledge that is accurate and relevant to the issue under discussion. This academically productive talk uses evidence appropriate to the discipline and follows established norms of good reasoning. Accountable talk sharpens students’ thinking by reinforcing their ability to use and create knowledge. Circle – surprising ? - confusing Underline – important 7 minutes Circle – surprising ? - confusing Underline – important
Tweet @BCPSESOL #accountabletalk Watch the video then tweet out a summary statement about student centered talk. Tweet your summary statement to @bcpsesol. If you don't have twitter, write no more than 180 characters on a post it. 10 minutes
Lunch Return in 45 minutes
Types of Accountable Talk Accountable to the Learning Community Accountable to Accurate Knowledge Accountable to Rigorous Thinking In groups of three (each type of talk should be represented), explain to your group: The type of accountability and why it is important The observable evidence of this accountability As a group, create a listening checklist that you can use to evaluate the accountable talk in your class. Count off as L-A-R. Then count off numbers for the total number of people in each group. Find your number group. Checklist might include: clarification, extending on what someone is saying... 25 minutes
Types of Accountable Talk TINYURL.COM/ESOLAT Use the checklist you just created to evaluate the accountable talk in the classroom. Use the checklist you just created to evaluate the accountable talk in the classroom. How did the discussion evaluate? 10 minutes
Reflection On your lesson plan, annotate as follows: Green – Opportunities for talk that is accountable to the learning community Blue – Opportunities for talk that is accountable to accurate knowledge Red – Opportunities for talk that is accountable to rigorous thinking If you find that there are few opportunities for accountable talk, add in opportunities for accountable talk using the color coding above. 10 minutes
Teacher moves Moves that Support Accountability to the Learning Community Moves that Support Accountability to Accurate Knowledge Moves that Support Accountability to Rigorous Thinking Combine groups Discuss: What is role of the teacher in student centered discussion? Each group should select: A teacher A tracker (T>S, T>Ss, S><S, etc) Discussion participants
Debrief Tweet out (@BCPSESOL, #accountabletalk) or share on a post-it one teacher move to practice implementing in class. 10 minutes How did the teacher moves help in promoting accountable talk? How did the teacher moves improve the conversation? Were there areas in which the teacher could have done something differently to promote meaningful discussion?
Model Performance Indicator Language function Participants will synthesize information using texts, videos and their colleagues’ experiences in order to engage in an academic discussion about accountable talk. Supports Content stem 2 minutes