Exploring Grammar in Context Kiwan Sung Kyung Hee University
Unit 3 Present Continuous Part A Tenses in Context
Present Continuous (Frame of time reference) Ongoing action
Present Continuous Ongoing or incomplete action at the time of speaking Ex) I am doing a lot of chores at home these days. Current events or states in the process of happening or may be unfinished I am writing this letter to file a complaint about your product
Present Continuous Not permanent but temporary If permanent or true all the time-Use ‘Present’ Ex) I get up at 6:00 am to go to a gym. Can be used in a conditional sentence which describes a specific and limited context Ex) If you walk quickly, it is as good as running. If you feel tired, you are going too fast.
Present Continuous To focus on some point your interlocutor should remember To soften a negative comment Ex) Your idea is not practical. I am suggesting your idea is not practical. What I am suggesting is that your idea is not practical. Cf) say, suggest, ask (for), talk (about), propose, argue, claim, insist
Present Continuous Typically no ‘present continuous’ for opinion, cognition, perception verbs but can be used to highlight temporary or very current nature of events or states -love, like, hate, dislike, want, think, hope, wish -know, mean, believe, trust -see, hear, taste Ex) I am hoping that I pass the qualifying exam for my graduation.