NMDPS Law Enforcement Academy Training Management and Learning Management System Project Presenters: Melvin Lee, IT Owner, CIO Brian Coss, Business Owner, Deputy Director Cesario Alvillar, Project Manager August 22, 2018 Project Close Out
Project Stakeholders Name Stake in Project Organization Title Scott Weaver Executive Sponsor DPS Cabinet Secretary Melvin Lee Technical Owner, Steering Committee Member DPS IT Chief Information Officer Stephan Marshall Business Owner, Steering Committee Member DPS LEA LEA Director Brian Coss LEA Deputy Director Dianna DeJarnette Steering Committee Member DPS Office of the Secretary Director of Special Projects Cesario Alvillar Project Manager DPS Project Management Bureau Chief Joaquin Nielsen Business Process Owner LEA Operations Manager Layla Reyes LEA Executive Admin. Assistant George Mankowski Envisage Contractor Envisage Paul Brown IV&V Contractor Cognosante Jacob Martinez DPS IT Support Network Administrator III Sal Sena IT System Administrator II New Mexico Law Enforcement Agencies Users State-wide Law Enforcement Various State-wide Emergency Dispatch Centers State-wide Dispatch Centers Law Enforcement Officers and Telecommunicators State-wide Public Safety Satellite Law Enforcement Academies State Law Enforcement
Project Team
Project Overview The New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy (NMLEA) has implemented a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution called Acadis by Envisage to address the following: The manual process of course accreditation. The delays in certification testing. The creation, maintenance, and retrieval of records from several systems and software applications. Replacing the existing business process of using multiple legacy systems and software applications with Acadis will: Reduce operational workloads. Improve the quality and timeliness of services. Make data entry and records maintenance will be a shared responsibility for all involved. Allow for secure storage of records.
Business Objectives Establish a single cohesive system to handle all primary LEA business processes - Completed End-user initiation and entry of LEA business requests and documents to include employment record updates, applications, certification requests, accreditations, etc. - Completed Reduce the LEA staff labor required to enter and maintain transactional records. - Completed Provide system-generated alerts to LEA staff and end-users of critical deadlines e.g. certification expiration dates, misconduct case deadlines etc. - Completed Improve the accuracy and completeness of data and documents. On going *In the initial two months, accuracy and completeness of person records and documents (specifically, person employment and contact information) has been improved by 5%. This improvement is expected to increase as more contact is made with LE professionals by NMLEA staff and once agencies have access to the system to submit their own updates. Complete, efficient electronic document and record retrieval capability to enhance response time and completeness to public and agency records requests. On going *In initial months, records integrity and response time has been reduced by 15%. Improvement for this metric is expected to increase as migration of hard-file documents are scanned and added into the system by NMLEA staff.
Business Objectives Provide on-line training courses to officers and dispatchers - What used to take two days is projected to take less than four hours and will drastically reduced the time it takes to building curriculum and scheduling classes *Submission of Lesson Plans and course approval requests through the portal have shown the most improvement of LEA business processes, with an overall reduction in Accreditation time from approx. 1 week (submission to approval timeline) to just under 2 business days. The electronic submissions have also allowed for submitting instructors/agencies to reduce the redundancy in submitting an Accreditation Request from over one hour form completion time, to approximately 15 minutes - Complete Deployment of an on-line certification testing process with defensible test proctor capability. – Completed *The LEA is now able to produce documents for Curriculum/Learning Objective through Testing IPRA requests with the available traceability matrix feature of the system. This now provides the LEA with legal defensibility on testing methods and learning objective requirements.
Business Objectives - Continued The following Business Objectives are goals for the new system The new Acadis system has been in production internally for almost two months at the Law Enforcement Academy (LEA). At this time there has not been enough time to accurately access the following Business Objectives: Reduction in cost to deliver core business processes as it relates to paper management, mailing and entry by 75%. Realization of an overall reduction in manual system entry in support of business processes by 85%. System accurately and reliably (100%) sends alerts based upon user-input date criteria. Reduction in error rate to +-2%. A 50% reduction in the time required to respond to IPRA and agency requests for records.
Technical Objectives The following Technical Objectives have been met: Establish a single cohesive system to handle all primary LEA business processes. Integrate two applications and various Microsoft Office tools into a single cohesive system Minimize data entry and duplication of effort with a system that will be configurable to NMDPS LEA needs. NMDPS IT will maintain a 99.99 network uptime
Budget Description FY17 & Prior FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 & after Software licensing first year $168,888.00 Installation $19,064.42 Onsite workshop $7,669.50 Set-up/Configuration $10,512.50 Configuration of Customer-Specific List Values and User Defined Fields Data migration $45,545.78 Train the trainer IV&V $16,500.00 System Licensing Total $117,474.20
Solution Functionality The Acadis solution provides the following functionality critical to the LEA business needs: Employment record maintenance; Training record maintenance; Robust test administration functionality; Integration of all LEA and LEA Board records; Automated identification of records that exceed retention; Electronic submission of scanned documents; On-line information submission and record updating, eliminating the need for paper applications and record updates; Substantial or complete elimination of paper document processing and maintenance. The Acadis solution is broadly used among other state and federal Law Enforcement Academy environments. The product specifically reflects the business processes of LEAs and supports best practices in these institutions.
Current Status Task Name Date % Complete Purchase of initial SaaS license June 2, 2017 100 Project Management August 22, 2018 Project Initiation approved Project Charter IT Hosting Exception Initial Project Schedule September 27, 2017 Technical Architecture Review Committee (TARC) Granted conditional approval October 19, 2017 Contract for professional services with Envisage January 18, 2018 Contract for IV&V services with Cognosante Ongoing SaaS – Maintenance & Technical Support (Year 1) On-going Ongoing SaaS – Hosting (Year 1) IV&V Initial Report February 7, 2018 IV&V Interim Report June 11, 2018 IV&V Final Report June 29, 2018 Train the Trainer June 8, 2018 User Acceptance Testing June 21, 2018 System Go Live June 25, 2018
Lessons Learned What made the project successful? The Business Owner was at all project meetings and made decisions quickly when needed allowing the project to progress with no delays LEA Subject Matter Experts were exceptional, dedicated, motivated, fully engaged and provided business process expertise for all stages of the Implementation including the critical data migration and system configuration The vendor, Envisage, worked extremely well and seamlessly with the LEA team Envisage attended all project meetings, provided training and guidance at all stages of the Implementation and were always available for consultation Envisage is one of the best vendors the DPS Project Manager has worked with What were the challenges? Contracts were scheduled to be completed in five months but took six due to unanticipated changes in the DPS Contracts Office personnel and DoIT oversight and guidance changes The project had to be completed by the end of the fiscal year forcing a compressed schedule, the Implementation was completed in five months
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