Local Government digital transformation task force


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Presentation transcript:

Local Government digital transformation task force MAV Annual Conference 8 September 2016

The first multi-stakeholder group of its type in Australia Digital Transformation Task Force established by MAV Board, started March 2016 (5 sessions so far) A leadership group that champions local government business transformation, enabled through digital means, by setting the sector strategy, pathways and initiatives for execution that improve community outcomes. This will be done in conjunction with state and federal governments and the private and civic sectors. The first multi-stakeholder group of its type in Australia

Its multi-sectoral membership brings diverse perspectives and is highlighting collaboration opportunities Keith Baillie Surf Coast Shire Council Paul Younis Brimbank City Council Sally Curtain City of Casey Gerard José Mildura Rural City Council Vijaya Vaidyanath City of Yarra Glenn Patterson Yarra Ranges Shire Council Peter Smith Whitehorse City Council Nerina Di Lorenzo Moreland City Council Helen Antsis Baw Baw Shire Council Alvaro Maz Code for Australia Michael McAllum Global Foresight Network Catherine Ball Elemental Strategy Dan Searle Australian Digital Transformation Office Jithma Beneragama Department of Premier and Cabinet Victoria Alison McNulty Public Records Office Victoria Rob Spence MAV State and Federal Government participation has highlighted the real potential for partnerships, resource sharing and funding assistance

Task force council CEOs believe digital transformation is now critical and urgent for local government “We need to find a way to let our community access us wherever they are and not interact if they don’t want to” “Rate capping will lead to no discretionary spend in 2 years unless we take costs out’ “There are 5 or 6 themes colliding and we need to make big decisions on systems replacement by the end of 2016” “We’re 4 years into our digital strategy and there’s too many parts acting independently – need to know how we can link in with state and federal government initiatives” “We’re working on ‘digital by design’ and want to share resources” “We need to create efficiencies and remove silos” “We don’t have a common understanding of the problem”

There are significant advantages to taking a sector approach to digital transformation Reduces fixed costs for each council Enables specialist skills to be secured/shared Capacity to address more issues same time There is no need to ‘reinvent the wheel’ Access to otherwise unavailable funding Increases capacity of sector for all councils Collaboration with federal/state/private

Our objective is supported by three focus areas & four enablers Short term objective Simpler, faster, valued and engaging community interactions with Local Government through digital transformation. Focus areas Developing capability, culture and conversation Common, accessible view of the customer Collaboration and inter-connectivity Enabled by Shared standards Funding opportunities Removal of legislative barriers Infrastructure access

Work to date has delivered series of recommendations Endorse Commonwealth digital service standard Establish working groups to progress: Animals Disabled parking permits Single view of the customer Monitor progress of Victorian Local Government Enablement Platform (infrastructure access) MAV investigates options for collaboration with state & federal governments, including funding MAV provides a comprehensive communication to the sector

Local Government digital transformation governance model Shared standards Championing digital transformation Co-ordination of activity/communications Removal of barriers (as needed) Digital Transformation Task Force Councils MAV State Government Commonwealth DTO Civic/private sector experts Animals Working Group Disabled Parking Permits Working Group Single View of Customer Working Group Waste Working Group Planning and Building Working Group Infringements Working Group MAV-led activity Sector communication Knowledge centre Discussion groups Road show and site visits State & Federal Govt. funding Consolidated research Legislative barriers Infrastructure – Local Govt. Enablement Platform Joint CRM Procurement Working Group State Govern-ment Funding Legislation Systems Federal Govern-ment Funding Systems Initial Projects Subsequent Projects Source: Right Lane Consulting, 2016; Digital Transformation Workshops 5

How you can be involved? Provide information, when asked, to help us shape our initiatives Start talking to your organisation about digital transformation and assess your change readiness Think about what you need… …and let us know how digital transformation could most benefit your council Share with us your best practices that others could learn from

Where to from here? Need to form working groups to progress the three priority initiatives Continue to gather information and case studies for knowledge centre Opportunity to include within post- election induction and conferences Subsequent task force meetings will monitor & guide delivery of initiatives

Digital transformation It’s not about websites It’s not about transactions It’s about reinventing organisations around the needs of citizens