Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School Choosing Grade 10 Courses
Exploring Without Deciding
ONTARIO SECONDARY SCHOOL DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS 4 credits in Religious Education 4 credits in English (one per grade) 3 credits in Mathematics (one must be a senior course) 2 credits in Science 1 credit in Canadian Geography 1 credit in Canadian History 0.5 credit in Career Studies, 0.5 credit in Civics 1 credits in Health and Physical Education 1 credit in French 1 credit in the Arts
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Successfully complete provincial literacy requirement- March 30th 2017 Complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement and submit the signed forms to Mrs. Pinheiro
COURSE LEVELS There are four levels of courses: Open Academic Applied Locally Developed
Open Courses Open courses are identified with an O at the end of the course code – HRE2O (Religion) These courses are designed for all types of learners.
Academic Courses Academic courses are identified with a D at the end of the course code – CHC2D (History) If you were successful* at the Academic level then you should continue at the Grade 10 Academic level in the same subject – e.g. MPM1D to MPM2D Note: In order to be adequately prepared for the same level at the next grade, it is recommended that students be working at the provincial standard which is Level 3 (minimum 70%).
Knowledge and Understanding Subject-specific content acquired in each grade (knowledge), and the comprehension of its meaning and significance(understanding) Categories Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Knowledge of content (e.g., facts, terms, procedural skills, use of tools) demonstrates limited knowledge of content demonstrates some knowledge of content demonstrates considerable knowledge of content demonstrates thorough knowledge of content Understanding of mathematical concepts demonstrates limited understanding of concepts demonstrates some understanding of concepts demonstrates considerable understanding of concepts demonstrates thorough understanding of concepts
Applied Courses Applied courses are identified with a P at the end of the course code – MFM2P (Math) If you were successful* at the Applied level then you should continue at the Applied level in the same subject – e.g. ENG1P to ENG2P Note: In order to be adequately prepared for the same level at the next grade, it is recommended that students be working at the provincial standard which is Level 3 (minimum 70%).
Locally Developed Courses Locally Developed courses are identified with an L at the end of the course code – ENG2L (English) If you were successful at the Locally Developed level then you should continue with a Grade 10 Locally Developed course in that subject if it is necessary or desired – e.g. SNC1L to SNC2L.
Optional Courses You have two optional courses in Grade 10 along with 6 compulsory courses unless your timetable was adjusted in Grade 9. The compulsory courses are Math, English, Religion, Science, History, Civics/Careers.
RELIGION Grade 10 Religion HRE2O Christ and Culture The Journey Continues: Planning for a Successful Grade 10
ENGLISH PATHWAYS As a diploma requirement, students must earn one compulsory English credit per grade. The grade 12 requirement may be met by successfully completing the OLC4O course. This chart maps out the compulsory courses in English and shows the links between courses and the possible prerequisites for them. It does not attempt to depict all possible movements from course to course.
ENGLISH Select an appropriate course TYPE: Academic – ENG2D Applied – ENG2P Locally Developed – ENG2L
Math Pathways
MATHEMATICS Select an appropriate course TYPE: Academic – MPM2D Applied – MFM2P Locally Developed – MAT2L
Possible Pathways in Science
SCIENCE Select an appropriate course TYPE: Academic – SNC2D Applied – SNC2P Locally Developed – SNC2L
The Arts
Visual Arts Grade 9 – AVI 1O Grade 10 – AVI 2O Grade 11 – AVI 3M Grade 12 – AVI 4M – AWM 4M - Portfolio
Music Instrumental Grade 9 – AMU 1O Grade 10 – AMU 2O Grade 11 – AMU 3M Grade 12 – AMU 4M
Drama Grade 9 – ADA 1O Grade 10 – ADA 2O Grade 11 – ADA 3M Grade 12 – ADA 4M – ADF 4M Director’s Craft
Make an awesome timetable Choose Arts Visual Arts Music Drama
BUSINESS STUDIES Introduction to Information Technology In Business - BTT 2O The Journey Continues: Planning for a Successful Grade 10
Canadian and World Studies Geography- CGC1P/ CGC1D (you might find this has been pre-selected for you. Thanks Ms. McNally!) Civics CHV2O (0.5 credit paired with GLC2O Careers)
Computer Studies ICS2O Introduction to Computers
GUIDANCE AND CAREER EDUCATION Career Studies GLC2O Combined with CHV2O (Civics)
MODERN LANGUAGES French - FSF2D The Journey Continues: Planning for a Successful Grade 10
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Healthy Active Living PPL2OF/PPL2OM The Journey Continues: Planning for a Successful Grade 10
Social Sciences and Humanities Food and Nutrition HFN 2O
TECHNOLOGY Communications Technology - TGJ2O Construction Technology - TCJ2O Construction Technology- TCJ3CF Manufacturing Technology - TMJ2O Technological Design - TDJ2O Transportation Technology - TTJ2O The Journey Continues: Planning for a Successful Grade 10
Visit the LDCSB Guidance Web page – CAREER EXPLORATION Volunteering Part-time job Internet research Explore different high school courses Dual Credits Talk to your Guidance Counsellor Interest inventories Grade 10 Career Studies – GLC2O Career Cruising Cooperative Education Information interviews Specialist High Skills Majors Visit the LDCSB Guidance Web page – http://www.ldcsb.ca/Programs/guidance/Pages/default.aspx
Summer School There are a number of courses offered in Summer School (CGC1D/1P, GLC 2O/ CHV2O) If you are thinking of taking a course in summer school, keep listening to announcements as information will be sent out to HCC You may need to put the course you are taking in summer school in your grade 11 courses as a placeholder
Online Course Selection Go to the London District Catholic School Board’s home page: http://www.ldcsb.ca Click on Students- select VLE(D2L) login Career Cruising / Course Planner Login (on line course selection) is accessed through the virtual Learning Environment (D2L). If you are prompted for a username and password, your username is your LDCSB email address which consists of your 5 or 6 digit student number followed by @ldcsb.org e.g., 123456@ldcsb.org. Be sure to follow your student number with @ldcsb.org. The password is your LDCSB computer password. Once you are into the virtual Learning Environment (D2L), click on the Career Cruising icon in the Learning Toolkit area to access Career Cruising and the Course Planner.
Guidance Counsellors Ms. McNally (A to Q) Ms. Zebregts (R to Z)
Final Reminders You must select 8 courses. You will most likely select Math, English, Religion, Science, Geography, Civics/Careers, plus 2 electives. Remember your Graduation Requirements (30 credits – 21 of which are compulsory, 40 hours of community service and successful completion of the Literacy Test)
DUE DATE Wednesday, February 15th A copy of your course selections along with $50.00 for your 2017-18 student fee must be in to your homeroom teacher by Wednesday, February 15th
Public Health Nurse FREE CONFIDENTIAL Available at HCC every Thursday Kelly Morris RN, BScN Available at HCC every Thursday Call: 519-663-5317 ext. 2298 Text or call: 519-520-2178 Email: kelly.morris@mlhu.on.ca
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