ADUR CLASS 2018 – 2019 The Team: Mrs Barber – Teaching Assistant (5 mornings) Mrs Filardo – 1:1 Support Mrs Fabb-Sealy – Monday and Friday afternoons
Topic Our topic is called Beauty or Beast, based on Mythical creatures around the world. Our Key texts for English is called “The Atlas of Monsters”. I have planned the topic to incorporate Literacy, History, Geography and Art/DT lessons.
The children will be developing a range of skills using high quality texts. Key Text: The Atlas of Monsters The children will have experience evaluating and writing in different styles: Newspaper reports Stories Letters The requirements for grammar in the National Curriculum will be covered through the key texts and weekly reading activities.
GRAMMAR Grammar is taught through the chosen high quality texts. The children are taught to recognise the technical terms e.g. noun, verb, adjective etc as well as all other aspects of grammar. Spelling patterns are taught weekly in year groups using the No nonsense spelling programme for Year 4 & 5 Homework spellings will focus on the KS2 spelling lists. 5 Spellings will be sent home weekly to practise.
Phonics and spelling You can help at home by: Practising spelling the curriculum spelling words using the homework tasks and encourage children to write the words into a sentence to help them understand the meaning. Encourage your child to recognise these words in their reading. Encourage your child to use their sounds when reading to decoding unfamiliar words Encourage your child to use a dictionary to look up any unfamiliar words .
READING Please make sure your child records their reading in their red reading record book. Please comment on your child's reading if they have read to you or you have asked them questions about their book. There is a basic guide for helping with comments at the back of their reading record. Reading records – This is used as a way of showing your child’s reading journey. Please ensure your child brings this into school daily. They should also be bringing this home very night.
Maths A range of maths skills will be covered over the course of the year. The emphasis is on ensuring your child has a deep understanding of the concepts taught, so they can apply their maths skills to problem solving in a range of contexts. There is a heavy emphasis on place value in the Autumn term as this underpins all maths learning. Sumdog will be used for homework tasks and some lessons in school to consolidate class learning.
Science Yearly Overview In Science the children will be building on their previous learning and skills. They will also be developing their scientific enquiry skills. Our focus for this half term is forces and magnets. This will include a variety of investigations which will allow the children to develop their enquiry skills, whilst gaining scientific knowledge. Light, Electricity, Living things, Scientists and inventors and Aniamls and Humans. Science Yearly Overview
timetable PE is on a Wednesday & Friday. Computing is on a Thursday. Music – This term we will be learning to play the Violin. This will be every Tuesday afternoon. PPA - Mrs Caddick will cover the class on a Monday morning. If you have any important messages on a Monday morning, please pass these to Mrs Caddick or Mrs Barber who will do there best to ensure I receive these.
FOREST SCHOOLS Forest school is on a Wednesday afternoon for the 1st half of the Spring term. Please make sure your child brings in a suitable change of clothes, waterproof coat and wellington boots on that day. For this term only, PE will move to a Tuesday and Friday.
HOMEWORK Homework will be set on Friday to be handed in the following Thursday. Values homework at the beginning of each half term where the children will be given a task related to our Christian value. Weekly homework will comprise of either a Maths or English task linked to our learning in class, weekly spellings and Sumdog practise (1/2 an hour) Creative homework: termly.
BEHAVIOUR EXPECTATIONS AND REWARDS School Golden Rules Class rights and responsibilities – written by the children Raffle tickets Star of the week
Thank you for your support! I am really looking forward to working with you and your children Any questions? Thank you for your support!