What is History? 1-5
Warm Up Get your chromebook Sign into goformative Open 1-5 What is History Answer ONLY #1 What is YOUR definition of “history” Warm Up
What is History? What is History? Stories? Where in the Past? 2) What do these mean? What is History? STORIES from the past Stories? Tales of people, places, and events from the past Where in the Past? Timeline Before… BC- AD- Latin for “the year of Our Lord” Now… BCE- CE- Before Christ After Christ Before Common Era Common Era What is History?
How is History Passed? Oral Language Written Language What’s Best? 3) Results Oral Language Earliest form of expression Stories passed by word of mouth What’s the Problem? Telephone Game Stories Change as retold Details Lost or Added Written Language Signifier for a civilization Pictographs Symbols or characters that represent words or phases Cave Paintings Alphabets Interpretation What’s Best? Mixture of Both ! 4) Compare How is History Passed?
What if History Gets Lost? 5) Scientific Method? What if History Gets Lost? Dig it Up!!! Research How? Books, Libraries, Internet, Etc. Physically Dig! Archeologists Look, search, dig, find artifacts Study them Devise stories / explanations Scientific Method What if History Gets Lost?
What if History is Before Science or Not Scientific? What if the History is Before Science or Not Scientific? Blamed it on the GODS!!! Example: Thunder was the Gods showing their anger Developed Stories to explain the unexplainable “Creation Myths” What if History is Before Science or Not Scientific?
6) What will your myth be?