Geography of Birds
Palearctic Region Largest region Site of origin of all birds Great diversity of habitats Poor bird variety (cold climate, sharply accentuated breeding season)
Palearctic Region 1026 species (55% passerines) 69 families Only 1 endemic family Similarities with Nearctic, Ethiopian, Oriental
Nearctic Region 750 species Dominant - Parulidae (warblers), Icteridae (blackbirds) 61 families (no endemic) Similarities with Palearctic, Neotropical
Ethiopian Region 1556 species (62% passerines) 73 families 6 endemic families Similarities with Palearctic, Oriental
Oriental Region 961 species 66 families Only 1 endemic family Most similar to Ethiopian, less to Palearctic, Australian
Australian Region 906 species 64 families 13 endemic families
Neotropical Region 3300 species (dominated by non-passerines) >95 families 31 endemic families Similarities with Nearctic
Active Dispersal Change in distribution of species Driven by: Changing environment Interspecific competition Population pressure
Active Dispersal Enhanced by mobility Irruption - rapid range expansion Withdrawal - loss of range
Passive Dispersal Strong winds, storms - “accidentals” Humans - House Sparrow, European Starling, Rock Dove, Ring-necked Pheasant
Monk Parakeet Crate of imported birds broke open in 1967 at JFK International Airport Now live in New York and 15 other states
Monk Parakeet
Barriers Mountain ranges Oceans - Cattle Egret Cold temperatures Food resources - e.g., hummingbirds