Fake! Activity 2: What happened to the guard? Year 7 Upgrade A teaching sequence from the Forensics unit of upd8 wikid Year 7 Upgrade 1
7E Learning Cycle Is the gallery owner right? Is Dr Sherl’s theory about the drug wrong? Students give initial ideas on how a drug could have got from the vial to the guard Students explain how the vial could have contained a drug to put the guard to sleep Students use what they have found out to prove the theory Students try activities in order to collect evidence to prove Dr Sherl’s theory Students learn about compression of gases and diffusion 2 © Association for Science Education and Centre for Science Education 2010 This page may have been changed from the original 2
Expected Learning – Part Two: Recognise that when a substance changes state, the arrangement and movement of particles change. Use ideas about particles to prove evidence. Activity 2: What happened to the guard? 3
I need to check you have understood particles in different states. Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate I need to check you have understood particles in different states. Use what you learnt from the last lesson to tell me which state the particle diagrams show. Dr Sherl asks the budding CSI’s to recap their understanding of particle arrangement and changes of state. A simple activity showing arrangement of particles in different states - students note which state is which arrangement. Activity 2: What happened to the guard? 4
Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate Dr Sherl, you know you said the broken glass vial could have contained a drug that put the guard to sleep? Well, the gallery owner told me he thinks this is rubbish, and we’d be wasting our time investigating it. I think he’s right… Slide numbers need checking throughout the presentation. 5 Activity 2: What happened to the guard?
Activity 2: What happened to the guard? Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate 6 Activity 2: What happened to the guard? This page may have been changed from the original
It is tricky. I still have a hunch though. Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate It is tricky. I still have a hunch though. To prove it you will need to work out if enough of the drug could have reached the guard’s nose after the vial smashed. Can you do that? I’ll give you a clue… you’ll need to think about particles! 7 Activity 2: What happened to the guard?
Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate Not particles again! You say everything is made of particles. But I can’t see or feel them. They don’t exist – do they? 8 Activity 2: What happened to the guard?
I’m going to set Billie a challenge to convince you! Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate Well, Dragon, particles do exist, and they matter a lot to us. We use them to explain many things – including what happened at crime scenes! I’m going to set Billie a challenge to convince you! REDUCED WORDING 9 Activity 2: What happened to the guard?
Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate SS1 You have three tasks. If you do them well, both Dragon and the gallery owner can’t argue with the fact that it is possible the guard was drugged. Here is what you must do: Find evidence that even though you can’t see particles, they do exist. 1 Hazard – beware of allergens Find evidence that particles can move. 2 Find evidence that you can fit enough particles in a very small container to spread all over a room. 3 10 Activity 2: What happened to the guard? This page may have been changed from the original
Where can you smell the air freshener? How does the smell get to you? Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate Evidence A Hazard - beware of alergens There’s an air freshener at the front of the room. Where can you smell the air freshener? How does the smell get to you? 11 Activity 2: What happened to the guard? This page may have been changed from the original
Just one drop of a smelly liquid, and the whole room smells. Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate Evidence B Just one drop of a smelly liquid, and the whole room smells. How does this happen? 12 Activity 2: What happened to the guard?
How can you explain what you feel? Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate Evidence C How can you explain what you feel? This blocked syringe is full of air. What do you feel when you push down the plunger? You can compress (or squash) a gas to fit it into a small container. Why does this work? 13 Activity 2: What happened to the guard?
Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate If you compress a gas a lot, you can turn it into a liquid. How does this work? Evidence D Particles in a gas What must happen here? Particles in a liquid 14 Activity 2: What happened to the guard?
Gases can move and spread out. This is diffusion. Here’s what happens… Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate Gases can move and spread out. This is diffusion. Here’s what happens… 15 Activity 2: What happened to the guard?
1 2 3 Evidence A Evidence B Evidence C Evidence D Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate Evidence that even though you can’t see particles, they do exist. 1 Evidence A 2 Evidence that particles can move. Evidence B Evidence C Evidence that you can fit enough particles in a very small container to spread all over a room. Evidence D 3 16 Activity 2: What happened to the guard?
Great Billie, Now you’ve got all the evidence you need. Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate SS2 Great Billie, Now you’ve got all the evidence you need. Tell Dragon and the gallery owner: How you know that particles exist . How particles are helpful in solving this crime. And just why particles matter to forensic scientists. 17 Activity 2: What happened to the guard?
Review the evidence, what was key and why? Engage Elicit Explore Explain Elaborate Extend Evaluate Review the evidence, what was key and why? Activity 2: What happened to the guard? 18
Picture credits Picture Slide Credit Activity from the Forensics unit © Association for Science Education and Centre for Science Education 2010. Teachers and others who download this material may use it freely within their institution. For any other usage consult the upd8 team, upd8@ase.org.uk ASE and upd8 are not responsible for any revision that may be made to the material after it has been downloaded.