Executive Board Doug Cervi – NPLL President Kelley Reed- NPLL Vice President/Travel Kim Bostrom– Secretary Adrienne Branch – NPLL Treasurer Lee Koch- Compliance Director Joe Jefferies – Umpire in Chief Gary Shortall- Player Agent
Board of Directors Equipment: Mike Weed (update) Travel Baseball: Kelley Reed/Scott Jones/Gary Shortall/Allen Godshalk/Jim Coffey Travel Treasurer: Beth Bedrose Safety: Steve Stigliano & Lisa Gendek Compliance/Legal: Lee Koch Special Events/Marketing: Eric Gross/Jim Coffey (update) Concessions: Gina Coffey Player Development: Dave Christy (update) Field Maintenance: Kyle Bostrom (update)
Staff Members Uniforms/Trophies: Gary Shortall/Scott Jones (update) Concessions Coordinators: Valerie Adams & Jennifer Willison Facilities Coordinator: Leon Adams
League Commissioners T-Ball: Open Position (Doug Cervi will assist) AA: Gary Shortall AAA: Jim Coffey Int 50/70: Allen Godshalk Int. 46/60: Scott Jones Schedules: T-ball: Mon/Sat AA: Thurs/Sat AAA: Tues/Sat Int 50/70: Tues/Sat Int 46/60: Wed Travel: Wed/Sun
Points of Emphasis for 2018 Background Checks Safety PA State Background PA Child Abuse Welfare Check (Every 57 mos.) New Volunteer Check (No Returning Volunteer Forms accepted in 2018) Questions please email Lisa Gendek or Doug Cervi ***ALL DUE BY FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON*** Safety Face-masks – T-Ball, 6 yr olds in “AA”, 8 yr olds in “AAA” Bats, balls, routines 2018 USA Bat Identification (no exception except Tee Ball) T-Ball, AA, AAA, Int 50/70 & 46/60 (new division set up) Practice Routines Field Locations, Tees and Machines, keys Call Ups Station drills, player development, making it fun! Player Retention! – make it special, younger divisions Coach Doug Says End of year awards
Programming for 2018 Field Prep Every Sat & Sun in March (weather permitting) Mini Ipad Raffle Gift Card Raffles for Sat Shifts and Sun Shifts Receive Keys and Field Maintenance Instruction on Field Prep. Days Equipment/Keys Pickup (Date will be in end of March – Tentative 3/31) Uniforms: Tentatively 3/31 Picture Days April 3rd 4th (will have extra pants on site) Opening Day Noon on April 14th Practice Scheduling: After 3/25 (use website) **Tee Ball will be auto scheduled for first two weeks Field Options/Locations/Black Top/Parks Special Events: PHR, All-Star Games, Phillies H.R.D., Skills Comp. (T-Ball), playoffs, etc… NPLL Game of the Week (New for ‘2018!!!) & Team Parent Duties NPLL\north penn little league questionnaire.pdf Raiders Travel Baseball Programs: contact Kelley Reed Looking for 7U staff and players
Concessions: This year we are asking for ALL COACHES and TEAM PARENTS to OWN the Concession time for your team. We have a real opportunity to raise money for our league. Last year we missed our mark, and this was due to lack of coverage and openers and closers.. More info to come, but mandatory schedule will be out by end of March. 95% of all teams scheduled for Snack Bar will be during their team games on Moyer “A”, Hatfield Intermediate, and Schweiker. **Team Snack is not needed anymore. FREEZE POPS ARE BACK!!!
Internet Resources PDFs Training Videos (Example) League website Matheny Manifesto (some good points) Minors and UP Coaching Manual (example) T-Ball Coaching Manual Training Videos (Example) “How to coach your son/daughter as hard as you can without coaching them…” League website
WEBSITE REVIEW North Penn Little League Website
??Questions?? Team Contact: ASAP Assistant Coaches: ASAP (email Kelley or Doug) Team Parents: Anytime (email Kelley or Doug) Next Meeting: Tee Ball/AA Coaches Mtg Mar 24th 10am @ Moyer Road Complex (may be moved due to weather) Saturday March 31st All coaches (equip., uniforms, keys, field prep. (Moyers 10:00 am) Field Prep. – This weekend!!!!! Next Weekend!!! ??Questions??
Calendar of Events: Tentative BALL Move to break-outs IT help (Kelley and Bob)