Specialist Leaders of Education training Using different coaching models to enable leaders to develop a culture of coaching across the school Coaching and Developing others: Part 1
Coaching and its importance in developing others (Part 1) Using different coaching models, including Egan’s skilled helper model, to enable leaders to develop a culture of coaching across the school 2
Coaching and its importance in developing others (part 1) Aims The aims of this session are to introduce: the concepts of coaching, learning and the importance of coaching in developing others Egan’s skilled helper model 3
Coaching and its importance in developing others (part 1) Meet the packtypes 4
Coaching and its importance in developing others (part 1) Mastiff Coachdog Retriever Pointer Sheepdog Terrier Gua r d dog New ideas Risk-taking People Emotion Results Actions Facts Certainty Hound 5
Coaching and its importance in developing others (part 1) Different ways to packtype yourself The ‘home’ you: How you are with friends and family The ‘parent’: How you are with your children (if applicable) The ‘partner’: How you are with your partner (if applicable) The ‘work’ you: How you are at work generally The ‘task’ you: How you approach a specific task or job role 6
Coaching and its importance in developing others (part 1) What is emotional intelligence? The capacity for recognising our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, for managing emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships Daniel Goleman 7
Coaching and its importance in developing others (part 1) Emotional intelligence EI differentiates the outstanding performers in any sphere of life. Of the competences for outstanding performance: 66% are EI competences 33% are related to cognitive ability or technical skills EI therefore drives two-thirds of outstanding performance and carries twice the weight of cognitive ability and technical skill combined. 8
Coaching and its importance in developing others (part 1) Common language Working in table groups, decide where to put ‘coaching’ and ‘mentoring’ on the following grid. high Subject matter expertise required by coach low self Mode of development for coach directed 9
Coaching and its importance in developing others (part 1) Ethos, purpose, skills Ethos: to be an effective coach I need to believe… Skills: the skills I require to coach are… Purpose: the purpose of an effective coach is to… 10
Action leading to valued outcomes Coaching and its importance in developing others (part 1) Egan’s skilled helper model Action leading to valued outcomes 11
Coaching and its importance in developing others (part 1) The coaching triad 12
Coaching and its importance in developing others (part 1) Possible questions What are the real challenges for you here? What do you think might be keeping you from making progress? What do you think could make the difference? What’s the hardest thing about this for you? How do you think this may look from X’s point of view? Where should we start tackling this? 13
Coaching and its importance in developing others (part 1) References Packtypes www.packtypes.com Goleman quote Goleman, D, 1996, Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ, Bloomsbury Publishing Egan’s Skilled Helper model Egan, G, 2006, Essentials of skilled helping: Managing problems, developing opportunities, Belmont CA, Thomson/Wadworth Some suggestions for further reading will be provided in part 2 of this module John Wiley and Sons, 1982 14 14
www ebi Coaching and its importance in developing others (part 1) Evaluation www ebi 15 15