Greek and Latin Roots Week 2
bio Meaning: life Examples: biosphere bionics part of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere in which life exists bionics science concerned with applying biological systems to engineering problems
brev Meaning: short Examples: abbreviate brevity Make shorter State of briefness in duration
Word Associations Which word goes with time? Which word goes with “to make shorter”? Which word goes with Earth’s atmosphere? Which word goes with biological systems?
card/cord Meaning: heart Examples: cardiac cordial Relating to the heart cordial Warm and sincere
cata Meaning: down; downward Examples: catalyst cataract Something causing change cataract High waterfall; a great downpour
Word Associations Which word goes with change? Which word goes with “being kind”? Which word goes with heart? Which word goes with “a massive amount”?
cern Meaning: perceive Examples: discerning indiscernible Showing good judgment; perceptive indiscernible Difficult to perceive
chron Meaning: time; a long time Examples: chronic chronicle Constant; prolonged chronicle Record of historical events
Word Associations Which word goes with judgement? Which word goes with “a hard time understanding”? Which word goes with records? Which word goes with “always moving”?
citat Meaning: to call; start Examples: citation recitative The act of citing; a quotation recitative Having the character of a recital
clam/claim Meaning: call out, shout Examples: clamor acclamation A loud outcry acclamation Shout of enthusiastic approval
Word Associations Which word goes with recital? Which word goes with “a loud noise”? Which word goes with quotation? Which word goes with “showing approval”?
claus Meaning: shut, close Examples: clause recluse A provision in a document recluse A person who lives in seclusion
cogni/gno Meaning: learn, know Examples: cognition agnosia The act or process of knowing agnosia Loss of the ability to interpret sensory stimuli
Word Associations Which word goes with introvert? Which word goes with “an inability to do something”? Which word goes with intelligence? Which word goes with change?