Regeneration: Exploring Different Models
Some of Model Organisms Used in Regenerative Biology
Bilaterian Triploblast Sanchez and Tsonis, 2006
Salamanders are to Regeneration as KY is to Basketball, Bourbon, and Thoroughbreds Spinal Cord Limb
Salamander Limb Regeneration Day 5 Day 14 Day 35
Salamander Limb Blastema
The Ependymal Response
Ependymal response 14 days post amputation (dpa) Cross section (16 micron) of the regenerating blastema. The ependymal canal is in the center. The second figure shows a closeup of the ependymal canal. Eosin and Hemotoxilin (nuclei) stain showing nuclei in blue. For regenerating nerves, axons are following the path of ependymal cell extension.
How to Give a Journal Club Talk BIO425 Randal Voss Sept 2, 2008
Journal Club Presentations In graduate school (or some other life venue) you will be asked to give a presentation on a specific topic. Remember that the primary goal of any talk is learning: you must gauge your audience and present information in a way that motivates interest and participation. So how do you accomplish the primary goal?
Gauging Your Audience In BIO425, you can assume that students will have a general knowledge of biological concepts (e.g. concepts from the core courses). However, because students take different elective courses, your talk should provide sufficient background information and you should deliver that information without using a lot of technical jargon.
Preparation Be prepared! Practice your talk before giving it the first time. It may help to write the complete talk out, however you should be able to give the talk with minimal notes. If you are prepared, you will have confidence and be able to relax. It also helps to remind yourself that you are the expert and members of your audience are ignorant (but want to learn).
Pace of the Presentation There is no rule of thumb on the pace of a presentation. Some people are effective fast-talkers, while others articulate points better at slower speeds. Most people can cover approximately 25-30 slides in a 40 minute talk.
Presentation Media Most people will give a computer presentation using powerpoint or pdf. Have a general sense of the layout of the slides in your presentation so that you will anticipate transitions in your presentation. Please email me your presentation before class!
Presentation Style (cont.) Be creative Have a mix of text and graphics/picts (don’t use this ppt as a model)
Presentation Content Use the paper (and references within the paper) to develop your talk. You can develop one or all areas in your paper. I will be looking to see how you bring in other information to augment the paper. For example, you could bring in data/concepts from papers that are cited in the paper.
Presentation Content I am hoping that you spend some time in the literature developing your talk. It might turn out that some of the points raised in your paper are not well supported by the literature cited.
Delivery of Information For each slide, it helps to first introduce the main idea of the slide or to state simply what the slide shows. It helps to make a short summary statement before transitioning to the next slide.
Delivery of Information Each slide should convey only one major idea or point. The moment you put a new slide up, everyone will stop listening to you and read the slide. Use the actual figures from papers.
Presentation Grade Presentations represent 60% of your grade! If you need help on any aspect of your presentation, please contact me well ahead of your scheduled presentation. I am here to help. You will be graded on the presentation of material, the content of the presentation, and your ability to answer questions. I also award points for attendance and quizes.