Water’s Special Properties - Hydrogen Bonding, Surface Tension, and floating ice…
Interstate vs Intrastate Commerce Intrastate Commerce -Selling products to other people in N.J. Interstate Commerce -Selling products to other people in the U.S.
Internet vs Intranet Internet-world wide web (www.) Intranet -Communicating with people anywhere in the world Intranet -Communicating with people in your house
Intermolecular vs Intramolecular Attraction Intramolecular Force: -Attraction between two atoms in a molecule -These are bonds (covalent or ionic) Intermolecular Force: -Attraction between two different molecules
Is the arrow pointing to an: Intermolecular Bond Intramolecular Bond
Hydrogen Bond A Hydrogen atom has to be bonded to N, O or F
Hydrogen Bonding Hydrogen bonding happens between molecules!
Hydrogen Bonding Do the following molecules possess hydrogen bonding? (A-yes, B-no) H2O HCl HF NO2 NH3 CH4
Properties of Liquids Surface tension is the force that holds a liquid together. 11.3
How strong is the surface tension of water? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45yabrnryXk
Surface tension also causes water to bead up on our cars…
What would a waterproof coating be made of? Oil Soap Alcohol
Do you think solid iron would float on liquid iron? Yes No
Why does ice float?
“Like Dissolves Like”
What is cross-linking?