Anatomy of Female Reproductive System Female reproductive organs Ovaries Uterine tubes Uterus Vagina External genital organs Mammary glands
External Genitalia
Female Reproductive System Fallopian Tubes Uterus Uterine Cycle Menses Destruction of superficial layer of endometrium Proliferative phase Starts after mense completed, repair process Secretory phase Time of ovulation, peaks 12 days after ovulation
Female Reproductive System Ovaries - ♀ gonads Oogenesis Ovarian Cycle Formation of primary Follicle Formation of Secondary Follicle Enlarges rapidly Formation of Tertiary (Antral) Follicle 10-14 days after start of ovarian cycle Ovulation Egg release Formation and Degeneration of the Corpus Luteum Unless pregnancy occurs, degenerates
Follicular Development: Ovarian Cycle
Sperm Cell Movement
Fertility and pregnancy
The Uterus
Anteversion is a forward angle between the axis of the cervix and that of the vagina measuring about 90 degrees, provided the urinary bladder and the rectum are empty. Anteflexion is a forward angle between the body and cervix at the isthmus measuring about 125 degrees, provided the bladder and rectum are empty.
Urinary system
suprapubic catheter