YEAR 4 NEWS The Vicious Vikings Science RE Physical Education PSHE


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Presentation transcript:

YEAR 4 NEWS The Vicious Vikings Science RE Physical Education PSHE THE SCHOOL’S FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER Summer 1 The Vicious Vikings This half term in topic, Year 4 will be learning all about the Vicious Vikings. We will find out who they were and where in Europe they travelled from. We shall be receiving a visit from Professor McGinty, who will share real Viking artefacts and allow the children to immerse themselves in the lives of Vikings. The Vikings invade! Science This term we will be learning about Sound and how we hear. We will look at the parts of the ear and find out how sound travels. We shall spend some time linking our prior topic of states of matter to see how sound travels through each state. English Year 4 will study play scripts and explanatory texts. We will be linking out English work to Cressida Cowell’s ‘How to train your dragon’ (in keeping with out Viking theme.) Maths This term we shall be further developing our knowledge of Geometry, Statistics and completing further work on measure. Please can I remind children they should be login on and competing on Mathletics regularly. See the school newsletter and ‘Hall of fame’ display to see if your child has been the top ‘live’ Mathematician. Computing We are learning about how to be HTML editors. We will be exploring how computer networks can provide multiple services, such as the world wide web (www). RE This half term we will be learning about Buddhism and their beliefs. We shall learn about the Eightfold path and meditation. PSHE This terms value is Respect. We shall be devloping our understanding of showing respect towards others and the environment through making a class video. Our learning behaviour this half term is ‘Reggie Reflection’. Music Clarinet lessons will continue on Monday afternoons. Physical Education During our P.E. sessions we will be developing our striking and fielding skills in games. We shall be playing rounders. French We will be revising pervious vocabulary that we have learnt relating to colours, numbers and greetings. We will be further developing our vocabulary of body parts, animals and days of the week/months of the year. Important Dates 23.04.18 – Police Visit to Year 4 – ‘Precious lives workshop’. 23.04.18 – Class assembly (9am)