Introduction & Knowledge Gap Refugee housing needs have increasingly continue to be Australian national concern. This study raises awareness and consciousness of the housing issues affecting African refugees in Australia. There is in general a significant limitation in scholarly literature on African refugees’ housing in Australia. Studies conducted on African refugees settlement in Australia tend to focus on health and well beings and education issues One of the aims of this research is to address the gap in knowledge in housing literature.
Contribution to body of Knowledge I think the housing issue this research is addressing is crucial and critical in two dimensions. First, it will contribute to the existing refugee, migration, planning and population field of studies. Second, it addresses limitation of housing literature particularly in relation to African refugees in Australia. It also intend to inform the government and service providers in Australia to reflect on the ways in which housing challenges among Africans can be addressed.
Contribution to body of Knowledge The research is significant because it interpret and file the housing issues through the experiences of African refugees and stakeholders, demonstrated in the data collected in survey, focus groups and interviews.
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