CPR and Heimlich Maneuver
Chapter 35: Providing First Aid & Handling Emergencies Lesson 3: First Aid for Choking, Rescue Breathing, and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Heimlich Maneuver Abdominal Thrusts Symptoms of Choking
Heimlich Maneuver On an Adult
Heimlich Maneuver On a Child
Heimlich Maneuver On an Infant
Heimlich Maneuver On Yourself
Rescue Breathing Respiratory Failure Definition Causes Signs Actions to Take
Respiratory Failure A state in which air is unable to reach the lungs ~ lungs filling with water (drowning) ~ gas poisoning ~ an overdose of narcotics
Signs of Respiratory Failure Dilated pupils A bluish color the lip or fingernails
Steps for Rescue Breathing for Adults Check to see if victim is conscious by asking “are you okay”? If no response, tilt the victim’s head back to open the airway If victim is not breathing, pinch their nostrils and give the person two full breaths
Respiratory Breathing for Adults con’t…. Check to see if the victim’s heart is beating by checking their pulse on the side of their neck If there is a pulse but no breathing, jeep giving breaths at the rate of 1 every 5 seconds. Continue until help arrives.
Rescue Breathing
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Cardiovascular Failure Definition Causes
ABC’s of CPR irway A
ABC’s of CPR reathing B
ABC’s of CPR irculation C
CPR on an Adult
CPR on a Child (age 1-8)
CPR on an Infant
The End Any Questions?