Do Now: take out body paragraphs
Objective: to practice writing body paragraphs January 29, 2018 Objective: to practice writing body paragraphs Opening: return intros, class examples Work Period: finish body paragraphs, submit Closing: transition words
Homework None (Finish fill-in-the-blank side of “Transition Words” worksheet if you do not do so in class Vocab Unit 7 assignments due Thursday, Feb. 1st Vocab Unit 7 quiz on Friday, Feb. 2nd
Student Examples Apparently, iPads are not only being used by spoiled eight-year-olds. iPads are gaining popularity, firstly, due to the convenience of the small size and long lasting battery. In addition, students are able to search for outside information in class, without the need of a computer. These devices also enable students to turn in homework or assignments electronically, which is more efficient and eco-friendly. The benefits of iPads in the classroom are that they are convenient, have the capability of a computer, and are completely paperless.
Student Examples Why should everybody use iPads in the classroom today? Technology is used in just about every aspect of everybody’s lives. Technology in the classroom is changing the experience of education. It is changing the way children learn, educators teach, and how students and teachers communicate with one another. With mobile devices, students can easily collaborate both inside and outside the classroom. iPads are beneficial because they provide work that students can excel at their own level, prepare students for future careers, and get students more engaged in the work.
Student Examples Schools all over the nation have been incorporating iPads into learning. There are many benefits to having iPads accessible for a student to use. iPads and technology have changed the way students learn and will continue to improve over the next few years. Due to proper saving, (allowing students to have) a lighter backpack, and being much more organized with assignments, iPads have become very beneficial to students and teachers.
Finish 1 body paragraph ACE: Answer (topic sentence) Cite (article, book, website) Explain (1st sentence: explain the citation, 2nd sentence: explain how it connects to your answer) Cite (different piece of data) About 8 sentences long DO NOT USE “I, ME, MY, OUR, WE,” ETC.