Personal Statement Remember that your personal statement will give a very important first impression to staff at the Post 16 Centres and to possible future employers. It is vital therefore that it is well written and paints an accurate and positive picture of you and your strengths. The statement should be produced on plain A4 (maximum 1 side) It can be word-processed or handwritten (neatly in blue or black ink) and must be signed by you and countersigned by your parents/carers. In the top right hand corner of your personal statement you need to write your full name. IT SHOULD BE RETURNED TO YOUR TUTOR BY FRIDAY 25th NOVEMBER
Points to include Why you wish to continue in education or apply for training Character Attitude to work and People Interests Extra Curricular activities Responsibilities - in school and outside Work Experience Ambitions and future plans
Why you wish to continue in education or apply for training Why have you chosen these particular courses, why do you think you will be good at them? Do you have any ideas about future careers? Character What are you like? Quiet, loud, introvert, extrovert, lively, fun-loving, enjoy working with others/on your own. How do your friends describe you? Trustworthy, a good listener, honest, dependable etc Attitude to work and People What are you like at school? Hard-working, organised, work well under pressure etc What subjects do you like and why? I really enjoy D and T as Im really good at practical work and would like to pursue this at sixth form college etc Interests What are your main interests: sports teams, keep fit, hobbies, socialising - how have/do these help you Extra Curricular activities Only write about these if you think they are of interest. They could involve some of the following: Sports team, extra classes ie dance/art class, interests and clubs ie stamp collecting!, part-time work or jobs that you have.
Responsibilities - in school and outside Write out your experiences and responsibilities. What have you gained from them ie Form representative - communication skills, trust, independence. Possible suggestions developed could be: Form Rep, Prefect duties, drama/musical productions, charity work, Peer Mentor etc. Work Experience State the skills you gained and match them to the duties you carried out on your work experience ie Communication - dealing with customers or working in a team Mention here whether or not you have a part-time/Saturday job and state what your main responsibilities are. Possible skills developed could be: Communication, speaking to customers/public, working independently, computer skills, team work, managing others, working to deadlines; problem solving and using your initiative Ambitions and future plans Write out what you would like to do in the future - next couple of years as well as a career (mention here if you hope to go to University) Also add the ambitions you would like to fulfil in the coming years ie travel, bungee jump etc