Glina Arts Organization Data Visualization -Asha Gangineni -Varre Samyuktha -Gowtham Laburam -Rahul Sawant
Irrespective of season CLAY is the most selected media. ADULT CLASS Irrespective of season CLAY is the most selected media.
ADULT CLASS Irrespective of media and season students tend to choose Location 1 more.
Irrespective of Media and Season female participant are more than Male ADULT CLASS Irrespective of Media and Season female participant are more than Male
Findings that show why registrations are less in Fall
Marketing was less in FALL ADULTS Marketing was less in FALL
Most selected media CLAY was only offered in location 1 in FALL ADULTS Most selected media CLAY was only offered in location 1 in FALL
Discounts are offered more in WINTER/SPRING than in FALL ADULTS Discounts are offered more in WINTER/SPRING than in FALL
Only 1 in the top 10 courses is offered in Fall. ADULT Only 1 in the top 10 courses is offered in Fall.
Adult The AVG Fee for Graphics is higher in FALL then in WINTER/SPRING
Glina Arts Organization -Camps
GRAPHICS is the most selected media, and it is not offered in FALL CAMPS GRAPHICS is the most selected media, and it is not offered in FALL
Camps Irrespective of season and media ,DELMAR is most selected location and not many courses are offered in DELMAR during FALL
Camps Students are offered more DISCOUNTS in SUMMER than FALL
Top 10 courses are offered only during SUMMER Camps Top 10 courses are offered only during SUMMER
FEMALE Registrations are more irrespective of SEASON,MEDIA, LOCATION Camps FEMALE Registrations are more irrespective of SEASON,MEDIA, LOCATION