If it Works, Scale it UP! Next Steps for ALP Innovations: The League for Innovation in the Community College March 20, 2016
Who We Are Peter Adams, Community College of Baltimore County Mark Blaauw-Hara, North Central Michigan College Jennifer Ernst, Henry Ford College Jenny Schanker, Michigan Center for Student Success
Developmental Education Reform ALP Corequisite Acceleration Developmental Education Reform
Fun facts: Corequisite Corequisite The first recorded use of “corequisite” was in 1948 It is in the bottom 40% of words for popularity Slightly more popular than “obnubilate” Neither of those words is in Microsoft’s dictionary
Students enrolled in single-semester, corequisite English courses typically succeeded at twice the rate of students enrolled in traditional prerequisite English courses [in Colorado, Indiana and Tennessee] (Complete College America, 2015) . These changes [including the addition of corequisite courses] contributed to a doubling of one-year college math completion rates (from 8% to 18%) and an almost 50% increase in one-year college English completion rates (from 25% to 37%) [in North Carolina and Virginia] (Community College Research Center, 2015) At four colleges [in Arkansas, Michigan and New Jersey] offering co-requisite models, completion of college English was 1.6 to 2.3 times higher than in traditional remediation, increasing from 38-50% to 62-78%. Equity gaps for Black and Hispanic students narrowed or disappeared completely (Center for Applied Research, 2015).
(Jackson College, 2016)
Number Taking ALP or Traditional Each Fall 966 1142 1406 1328 1042 884 590 408 687 1400 traditional dev writing ALP 1200 1000 800 34 68 149 288 550 587 669 700 670 600 400 200 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015
Number Taking ALP or Traditional Each Fall 1406 1400 1328 traditional dev writing ALP 1200 Fall 2008 2007 34 68 966 1142 1042 1000 884 800 Fall 2014 700 670 590 408 2015 687 669 587 600 550 400 288 149 200 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013
Analyzing Pass Rates 8000 7589 traditional 7000 ALP 6000 total 5343 5000 4000 3000 2246 2000 1000 number in cohort 2009-2013
if we had fully scaled up Analyzing Pass Rates 8000 7589 traditional ALP total 7000 6000 5343 30% 5000 63% number who would have passed 101 if we had fully scaled up 4781 4000 2993 3000 2246 2000 1584 1409 1000 number in cohort 2009-2013 number who passed 101 2009-2013
if we had fully scaled up Analyzing Pass Rates 8000 traditional ALP total 7000 6000 5000 number who would have passed 101 if we had fully scaled up 4781 1788 4000 3576 2993 3000 2000 1000 number in cohort 2009-2013 number who passed 101 2009-2013
26 Boeing 737-700s 137 seats per plane
Number Taking ALP or Traditional Each Fall 100% Number Taking ALP or Traditional Each Fall 966 1142 1406 1328 1042 884 590 408 687 1400 traditional dev writing ALP 1200 1000 800 34 68 149 288 550 587 669 700 670 600 400 200 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Fall 2016
Two very different Michigan Colleges, Two Tales of Scaling ALP Henry Ford College Dearborn, MI ~18,000 students North Central Michigan College Petoskey, MI ~2,600 students
ALP Timeline at NCMC Piloted 2 sections in 2011 Gradually scaled up while assessing success vs. stand-alone Pass rate increased by 6% Enrolled in more credits subsequent semesters—more tuition $ Outperformed stand-alone students in structure, development, and mechanics Result: No curricular or financial negatives. Difficult to schedule. Hand-enroll with mandatory advising. Currently at full scale.