LASA VICTORIA Survey and Focus Groups
The Process Survey – Broad View 24 of 28 responses Overall satisfaction, 9 broad areas Included LASA VIC staff values Focus Groups – More Specific Details 4 groups and individual manager sessions Open ended approach: Positives, Issues/Concerns and Strategies
Survey Results Overall Satisfaction Quite good level of satisfaction with organisation (19/24) Individual jobs (18/24 satisfied), (4/24 dissatisfied) Organisational Goals Most understand current organisational goals (18/24) Many unsure/unclear re: changes/future (15/24) Quality and Service Delivery Positive: Delivers high quality services (19/24) Services reflect needs of clients (17/24), (2/24 disagreed)
Survey Results Improvement and Innovation LASA Vic is committed to continuous improvement (17/24, 3 not) Team operates with commitment (20/24) Opportunities to improve skills (13/24 satisfied, 6 not) Communication Regular management communication (13/24 satisfied, 8 not) Informative/sufficient Communication (10/24 satisfied, 9 not) Work Organisation Fairly dissatisfied with current systems/processes (12/24 not) Technology (13/24 dissatisfied)
Survey Results Team Work Overall quite positive about team work, in teams (20/24) Cooperation, Trust and Respect Cooperation across organisation (13/24 dissatisfied) Levels of trust amongst staff (9/24 satisfied, 9/24 not) Engagement and Well-Being Morale more negative - (13/24 dissatisfied) Work interesting/challenging (17/24 satisfied) and fully engaged in their roles (18/24) Optimistic about future (10/24), unsure (7/24), pessimistic (7/24)
Focus Groups - Positives LASA Victoria and Service Delivery Working in the aged care sector – very positive LASA advocacy role - image of LASA VIC improved Strong standing in sector - many achievements e.g. positive events, workshops, NGP, RTO increased turnover
Focus Groups - Positives Senior Management CEOs new vision - important, progress, opportunities Deputy CEO role positive, allows CEO time for critical advocacy for Members More proactive/responsive to industry/political issues, changes Strength to make changes, take tough decisions New willingness to listen to ideas, to allow innovation Recognising and addressing issues, quicker decisions Empowering staff to make decisions and be accountable New focus on income generation – some positive
Focus Groups - Positives Staff, Team Work, Morale and Conditions Majority - engaged, hard working, passion for quality delivery Good team work within teams, good working relationships New management, new staff, cultural mix - positive Positive morale in some areas People largely feel valued Some enjoy roles, opportunities for development and innovation Working conditions positive - salary packaging, family friendly, flexibility arrangements
Focus Groups – Issues / Concerns Internal and External Change Extent of change - overwhelming at times for staff Staff changes: 4 managers left, knowledge/reporting unclear Not enough consultation/transparency on changes Strategic Planning and Organisational Structure Lack of clear strategic and operational plans, business unit & individual objectives - National Office delays creating issues Organisational structure not finalised - need to clarify roles, titles, levels, reporting relationships. No PDs (underway) Hierarchical - too many layers, Deputy CEO role?
Focus Groups – Issues / Concerns Management and Communication New management - different values/style - less information – assumptions and rumours (improved recently) Job security concerns Performance Management and Feedback More performance reviews, positive feedback, consistency Staff development not distributed fairly – need SD plan Policies, Quality Systems and Processes Lack of policies, quality systems and processes HR policies and procedures insufficient/non-existent IT systems are ineffective and inefficient
Focus Groups - Issues / Concerns Co-operation, Team Work and Work Loads Training and Rest division issues - physical separation Some areas: better facilities, liberties e.g. flexibility, car parks Some high work loads/long hours - staff shortages Staff members not always supportive or helpful Culture - Negative Negativity - changes, resistance, not helping others, insecurity, hierarchy, closed doors, rumours, staff competition, some staff attitudes, social activities
Focus Groups - Strategies Organisational Vision and Planning Finalise vision, mission, strategic and operational plans and objectives. Staff to be clear about direction & work objectives Organisational Structure and Role Clarity Finalise organisational structure Clarify roles, reporting lines, responsibilities Finalise Position Descriptions - include requirement to support others and the organisation
Focus Groups - Strategies Management and Communication Senior management to provide consistent, open communication to all levels of staff e.g. regular updates Communicate reasons for changes and decisions Consistent structured meetings, clear objectives, time limits PD or industry updates at meetings A process for "across teams" communication Review marketing/communications - style guide, templates
Focus Groups - Strategies Policies and Quality System Develop policies for all areas; HR policies a priority Quality management system, processes & templates Recruitment: advertise internally first, HR rep on panels Intranet page for all policies, processes, flow charts Train & audit policies and procedures: staff to be accountable Better Induction Program Complaints policy and process Risk Management strategy Review IT systems, including client interface
Focus Groups - Strategies Team Work and Culture Training and Rest division - reorganise layout, interaction Address staff shortages (now happening) - tendering manager Improve morale - social activities Develop behaviour standards, include in PDs/contracts Team bonding opportunities, Roster staff to attend events Buddy system Performance and Development Review performance management system Acknowledge staff successes e.g. awards and announcements Staff Development Plan - Mentoring Program