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Presentation transcript:

SIX BIBLICAL KEYS FOR Counseling Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D

Six Biblical Keys for Counseling 1. Supremacy: What authority does the Bible have? 2. Sufficiency: Is the Bible enough? 3. Soul-ology: What is a person? 4. Sanctification: How does a person grow? 5. Stewardship: Whose job is it to counsel? 6. Samples: How to counsel?

SUPREMACY What authority does the Bible have? 1 SUPREMACY What authority does the Bible have? Job 32-41; Isaiah 40:12-31 – God is the sovereign Creator, with rights over His creation Proverbs 1:7, 9:10 – the fear of the Lord: wisdom, knowledge, understanding Proverbs 2:6 – fear of the Lord from the mouth of the Lord, therefore… 2 Peter 1:20-21 – God used men to record His words

SUFFICIENCY Is the Bible enough? 2 SUFFICIENCY Is the Bible enough? 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – the benefit of His revelation 1 Corinthians 13:8 – the completeness of His revelation John 6:66-68 – the exclusive quality of His revelation Deuteronomy 8:3, Matthew 4:4, Romans 1:18-20 – the role of extra-biblical resources

SOUL-OLOGY What is a person? 3 SOUL-OLOGY What is a person? What a person is Matthew 22:37, Romans 8:13 – Body, flesh, heart, soul, mind, spirit (1 Thess 5:23 – spirit, soul, body) 1 Corinthians 2:14-3:1 – natural, infant, fleshly, spiritual John 3:6, Ephesians 2:1-10, 2 Corinthians 5:17 – dead or alive What a person needs Hebrews 11:6, John 6:37 – Unbelievers need to believe Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 4:1 – Believers need to grow, walk

SANCTIFICATION How does a person grow? 4 SANCTIFICATION How does a person grow? Romans 12:1-2 – transformed by renewing mind Galatians 5:16-25 – walk in Spirit, don’t walk in flesh Ephesians 4:13-15 – unity of faith, knowledge of Him, avoiding deception, speaking truth in love Ephesians 4:22-24 – lay aside old, be renewed, put on new Ephesians 5:18 – be filled with the Holy Spirit Colossians 1:28 – admonishing, teaching 1 Peter 2:2 – milk of the word

STEWARDSHIP Whose job is it to counsel? 5 STEWARDSHIP Whose job is it to counsel? Colossians 3:16 – all are to teach, admonish 1 Thessalonians 5:14 – all are to admonish, encourage, help, be patient

SAMPLES How should we then counsel? 6 SAMPLES How should we then counsel? Sample 1: Paul’s counsel in Romans Sample 2: Solomon’s counsel in Proverbs

Counseling from the Book of Romans Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D

SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Romans 6 SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Romans The Problem: Universal Guilt – 1:1-3:20 The Solution: God’s Grace in Justification – 3:21-4:25 The Results: Sanctification 5-8 The Assurance: 9-11 The Responsibilities: 12-16

SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Romans 6 SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Romans Counseling the unbeliever 1:16-17 – ultimate power in the gospel Any counseling besides the gospel? (Jude 19, Gal 6:10) 2:5-11 – universality of consequence, impartiality of God 3:10-18 – impact of sin nature and disposition 3:19-20 – efforts don’t resolve 3:21-24 – grace through trust in Christ Case study on grace: Abraham – 4:1-5, 23-25 Case study on forgiveness: David – 4:6-8

SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Romans 6 SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Romans Counseling the believer 5:1-11 – the importance of understanding who we are and how we became that We are justified, we stand in grace (5:1-2), are free from His wrath (5:9), we have peace with God (5:11) Therefore we can rejoice even in great hardship (5:3)

SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Romans 6 SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Romans Counseling the believer 5:12-21 – our past is resolved by grace, in Christ 6:1-11 – we are no longer in bondage to sin: dead to sin, alive in Christ 6:12-23 – we should not live as slaves to sin and death 7:1-13 – the purpose and limit of the Law: to expose sin 7:14-25 – understanding the ongoing struggle

SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Romans 6 SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Romans Counseling the believer 8:1-4 – free from wrath, sin, and death 8:5-17 – if free and if children of God, then we should live that way 8:18-25 – present difficulty calls for perseverance in looking toward the redemption of our bodies 8:26-39 – God’s advocacy and provision for today, and security for our future

SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Romans 6 SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Romans Counseling the believer 9-11 – Case Study on why we can be sure of His promises: He is in control, keeps His word, and works things according to His plan 12:1-2 – the core of our responsibility is to allow Him to do His work in us. 12:3-13:14 – reflecting transformation in every area of life 14:1-15:7 – loving those who are struggling

SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Romans 6 SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Romans Counseling the believer 15:8-14 – because of His faithfulness: joy, peace, and hope 15:15-33 – personal plans and ministry in His hands 16:1-24 – expressions of gratitude and love 16:25-27 – He is glorious and active in establishing us

Counseling from the Book of Proverbs Christopher Cone, Th.D, Ph.D, Ph.D

SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Proverbs 6 SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Proverbs Receiving Counsel 1:5, 12:15, 13:10 – Receiving counsel is wisdom 15:22 – Counsel helps bring success 19:20 – Counsel, discipline lead to wisdom Giving Counsel 18:13 – Hear before answering 12:18 – Wise tongue brings healing 1:7, 9:10, 2:6 – Wisdom from the mouth of God 9:8-9, 25:11-12 – counsel one who will receive it

SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Proverbs 6 SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Proverbs Counseling Topics in Proverbs Grief and Depression Counseling – 3:18, 14:13, 14:21, 14:30, 15:30, 17:22, 29:6 Financial Counseling – 3:27-28, 6:1-5, 11:1-4, 14:21, 16:16, 17:1, 22:26-27, 28:6 Conflict Counseling – 26:17-21, 27:5-6, 27:14-15, 29:22-23 Premarital Counseling – 5:1-23, 11:22, 12:4, 15:20, 18:22, 19:13-14, 21:9, 21:19, 22:24-25, 25:24, 31:10-31

SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Proverbs 6 SAMPLES Counseling from the Book of Proverbs Counseling Topics in Proverbs Marital Counseling – 3:13-17, 5:18, 6:25-7:27, 14:1, 16:7, 17:17 Addiction Counseling – 21:25-26, 23:19-21, 23:29-35, 31:4-7, Parental Counseling – 4:1, 6:22, 13:24, 19:18, 20:7, 22:6, 23:13- 14, 29:15-17, 31:10-31 Guidance and Career Counseling – 3:5-6, 6:6-11, 16:2-3, 18:9, 22:29, 24:27, 31:13 Anger Management – 14:29-30, 15:1-4, 19:11, 22:24-25