Country Shapes & Attributes Bonus: Enclaves & Exclaves
Compact Centralized Small Ex. Poland Easy to manage due to gov’t proximity to all state locations Easy to defend Easy to communicate Small Fewer natural resources Ex. Poland
Prorupted Long extension or extended arm Ex. Thailand Easy access to the coast & resources there Prevent rival access Ex. Thailand
Perforated One state that completely surrounds another The surrounded state can only be reached by traveling through the surrounding state Problems can arise if there is hostility Making the surrounded state almost impossible to get to Ex. South Africa & Lesotho
Fragmented A state that is separated by a physical or human barrier Difficult to govern Makes communication difficult Ex. Indonesia
Elongated A long, narrow state Ex. Chile Difficult to defend Governance of periphery areas becomes difficult Encompasses a variety of landscapes Ex. Chile
Enclave A country or part of a country surrounded by another No political affinity to surrounding state Ex. The Vatican
Exclave A part of a country that is or is almost entirely separated from the country Ex. Alaska